
The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

Everyone in Tianjin knows it

The second day of the Chinese New Year "Grandpa's Day"

But you know

The eleventh day of the first month is also "Grandpa's Day"?

The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?




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The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

The eleventh day of the first lunar month is "Son-in-law's Day", which is the day when the father-in-law feasts on the son-in-law. "Son-in-law Day" is very historical, in ancient times, the food left over from the celebration of the birthday of the "Tiangong" on the ninth day of the first lunar month has not yet been eaten, so these delicacies that have been sacrificed to the gods will be used to entertain the daughter and son-in-law as a greeting when the second daughter of the first year returns to the door. On the eleventh day of the first month, the daughter and son-in-law must return to the mother's house by the mother's brother or brother to go out in advance to greet, in order to show the respect and attention of the mother's family to the son-in-law.

Inviting a son-in-law on the eleventh day of the first month is not only a matter for the father-in-law. The daughter's uncle, uncle, and parents must come to invite, especially the new son-in-law. The new son-in-law spent the eleventh day of the first lunar month at his father-in-law's house for the first time, and the father-in-law had many brothers-in-law and had to eat many times a day. This one hadn't had a few bites yet, and it was pulled to another one. The main thing is to let the new aunt recognize the door, but everyone has to prepare wine and dishes.

The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

Why is there a son-in-law's day? This has something to do with the status of women in ancient times. In ancient times, daughters married their husbands and did not have the right to be independent and autonomous. Even if you go back to your mother's house, without the consent of your husband's family, it is also a luxury that is difficult to achieve. In order to see her daughter again during the Spring Festival and get the praise of her son-in-law, people deliberately set the eleventh day of the first month as the son-in-law's day, so that the son-in-law could take her daughter home again.

The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

This day

Many places also have their own unique customs




On the eleventh day of the first month, on this day in old Beijing, there is a custom of eating the seeds of the brachi. The ancients believed that "ten" is a beautiful number that is "perfect and perfect, and the cycle begins again", and adding a "one" above ten has the meaning of a new beginning, so the four days before the Lantern Festival are used as the time period for "worshiping the old age".

The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

Old Beijing has a saying that "if you don't get out of the fifteenth, you can worship the Year": before the 30th day of the Waxing Moon, it is called "Worship the Early Years", before the fifth day of the first month is called "Great Worship Year", and the fifth day of the first month of the first month is called "Worship the Old Age" after the "Breaking of the Fifth". In the days around the New Year, for various reasons, people who have not been able to pay homage to relatives, friends, and deceased people should hurry up and "worship the old age" without losing their courtesy. The dietary custom of this day is to eat the "he" and "harmony" of the zygote, and eating zygote means that the life is harmonious and beautiful.




The custom of "Xingtou Bridge", which has a strong local color, is an important folk event in Chaoshan Province. The "Xingcai Bridge", which begins on the evening of the eleventh day of the first month, is called the "Xingtou Bridge". When night falls, the lanterns are on, and people are in groups of three or five, helping the old and the young, and rushing to the Caiqiao with great interest. When "xingtou bridge", people must pick the bamboo leaves of the banyan branches at the head of the bridge and make four sentences each: "Pick the banyan leaves, and have money to roll (take)" every day." Take it home and stick it on the lintel to pray for good luck.

The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

In "Walking Bridge", different ages have different prayers. For example, a person with a child says: "Walk on the bridge (or touch the lion's head), Anu shixian"; the unmarried young man says: "Walk the bridge belly (or touch the lion's belly), marry Ya Ma (that is, a beautiful wife)"; the girls take a stone or bamboo branch and throw it in the stream and say: "Throw (or line) in the bridge, marry Ya Weng" (that is, a handsome husband); pregnant women say: "Touch the bridge (or lion) ear, give birth to Adi", and so on.




In Guangxi, on the eleventh day of the first month, Binyang will hold the Cannon Dragon Festival, which is also a major folk custom. The "Cannon Dragon" is a dragon dance, but it is larger than the common dragon dance, about 40 meters long, short with 7 knots and 11 long ones. Every year on the eleventh night of the first lunar month, Binyang County will hold the "Cannon Dragon Festival", where the "Cannon Dragon" goes, each family sets off firecrackers and greets each other, there is "the sound of the cannon does not stop, the dragon dance is not stopped", so it is called "Cannon Dragon".

The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

In the process of the cannon dragon's march, some spectators saw the opportunity to quickly pass under the dragon, or pull off a few dragon whiskers and make a few dragon scales, praying for good luck. When the "cannon dragon" danced to the end of the street and was blown up by firecrackers, only the skeleton was left, the elders of the clan commanded the people to light a fire, played the "Binyang Eight Sounds", and threw the "cannon dragon" into the fire to burn, symbolizing "sending the dragon back to heaven". Subsequently, people set up a cauldron on the fire and cooked "dragon porridge" to comfort the dragon dancers.




Every year in the first month of the lunar month, all regions in Guangdong have the custom of celebrating "Tim Ding" (that is, having a boy), the Chaoshan area sends "rice cube sugar" door to door every 10th and 11th day of the first lunar month, the Hakka area "raises the lamp to hold a banquet" to entertain the villagers, and the famous cultural village of Guangzhou, Zhu Village, hangs a "human lamp" to pray for the blessing of xinding. Although the customs of "Tim Ding" are very different in different places, they are full of good wishes and expectations from every household for "Xinding".

The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

Every year on the tenth day of the first lunar month or the eleventh day of the first month, the Beidi Ancient Temple in Zhucun, Guangzhou, is always full of cigarettes, and several octagonal paper lanterns will be hung on the altar in front of the temple. In Zhu Village, according to the custom, any new children and grandchildren added to the homes of villagers last year (and sometimes the year before) must go to the altar of the clan community to which they belong to "hang lamps".




On the eleventh day of the first month, the sacrifice is given to Zigu (紫姑, the name of the legendary goddess. In the southwest of the mainland, especially in the western Hunan region, folklore says that he is the god of the toilet, and he is also known as Zigu, ToiletGu, Maogu, Pit Girl, Pit Girl, and So on. The world says that he can be a prophet, and he is more than a family, and he is a divination of all things.) The earliest document of "Zigu" is the "Alien Garden" of Liu Jingshu of the Southern Song Dynasty. It is roughly said that Zigu was a concubine of the people, who was jealous of the original match, and was killed in the toilet on the fifteenth day of the first month, and the Emperor of Heaven took pity on her and named her the goddess of the toilet.

The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

However, the folk worship of Zigu is not because she is a toilet god, but Zigu represents the deeply oppressed women in feudal society, so she is worshipped by women, and she is worshipped as the protector of weak women.

The custom of the eleventh day of the first month

Isn't it more complicated than you think?

The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?


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The custom of the year | tomorrow is "Grandpa's Day"! Do you know?

Edit | Xin Shengqi

Comprehensive | People's Daily Tianjin Broadcasting

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