
The start of operations at Tesla's Berlin plant has been postponed again, starting as early as mid-March

Car stuff (public number: chedongxi)

Author | The Way

Edited | Mumi

According to the news of foreign media Berlin Brandenburg News Network, Tesla Berlin Factory once again delayed factory production due to approval problems after overcoming various difficulties in construction and completing the landing.

Tesla executives have said on the third-quarter 2021 earnings call that they expect neither the Berlin plant nor the Texas plant in the United States to be operational by the end of 2021, but to start operations in early 2022.

It is understood that in November 2019, Musk has already announced the establishment of Tesla Berlin factory, but the factory construction has been delayed again and again due to the new crown, tree felling, water pollution, government approvals, public opposition and other issues, until October 2021 Berlin factory officially landed.

After the completion of the construction of the factory, the start of production has been blocked many times, and this time the Berlin factory has "double-clicked" to postpone the production plan due to environmental approval.

I. Approval due to emission problems The offline time has been postponed to mid-March

Recently, Tesla's Berlin plant has again postponed production due to environmental approval issues, as well as safety audits.

Tesla reportedly repeatedly changed the amount of toxic chemicals that may have leaked in the accident in its filing materials, which may have affected the progress of government approvals.

In addition, local government officials have not yet evaluated Tesla's plans to clean up wastewater. Only after the completion of the above procedures can the factory obtain the necessary production permits.

In addition, the relevant departments are still reviewing the safety precautions at the plant.

Foreign media speculated that if the problem can be successfully solved, the factory can be officially put into operation in mid-March.

The start of operations at Tesla's Berlin plant has been postponed again, starting as early as mid-March

▲ Tesla Germany Berlin factory exterior wall graffiti

Second, the Berlin factory was built in three years, and was repeatedly stopped by the authorities on the way

Over the past three years, the construction of the Berlin factory has been delayed again and again, and finally landed in October last year.

Tesla's Berlin factory encountered various problems during the construction process, but fortunately they were all handled perfectly.

In December 2019, Tesla evacuated U.S. employees due to the spread of the new crown virus in Germany, resulting in the suspension of the factory construction plan.

In January 2020, Tesla was protested by local environmentalists for planning to cut down more than three times the number of trees previously planned and the factory production could pollute groundwater, and postponed construction to solve environmental problems.

In February 2020, the Berlin plant was ordered by a local court to stop work.

In May 2021, it was postponed due to planned changes to the battery production site that required regulatory approval, or was investigated for violating labor laws.

At that time, due to the excessive problems related to the Berlin factory, Musk said that he would give the Berlin team an extra six months to deal with existing problems.

At that time, the relevant German agency predicted that Tesla's Berlin factory would not be operational until 2022.

In October 2021, when Tesla's Berlin factory was officially completed, Musk also held a big party in the local area, welcoming people to visit the factory and ease the rigid relationship with residents.

The start of operations at Tesla's Berlin plant has been postponed again, starting as early as mid-March

▲ German environmentalists protested against the Tesla factory

Conclusion: Tesla's Berlin plant is still expected to be officially put into production

While awaiting approval, Tesla has been authorized to produce 250 Model Y bodies for testing, and some of the Model Y was found to have been shipped out of the factory last month.

Earlier this month, Tesla also received another approval to produce a 2000 Model Y body in Berlin.

The government also confirmed that, as of the last week of December, it had received all the necessary documents to obtain a production permit for the plant.

As a result, the Berlin plant is still expected to pass the approval and officially put into operation as soon as possible.

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