
There is no top stream but it has become the top stream, why can Shaanxi Satellite TV's "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" be "happy" and moving?

author:Radio exclusive

"Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" combines freehand and realism, outlines the flexible "main line of thought", creates an immersive show of the times, and highlights the high power of the "Shaanxi Model" of Shaanxi Radio and Television Rong Media Group.

There is no top stream but it has become the top stream, why can Shaanxi Satellite TV's "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" be "happy" and moving?

The arrival of the new mainstream also promotes the iterative upgrading of the genre evening, and Shaanxi Satellite TV's "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" is deeply rooted in the people-oriented creative concept, precise force, and stands out from a group of small Chinese New Year's Eve evenings, which is a successful exploration of the new ecology of content.

Since landing on Shaanxi Satellite TV, Shaanxi City Youth Channel, Shaanxi TV News, Shaanxi Traffic Radio, Shaanxi Music Broadcasting, Shaanxi Youth Radio, Bilibili and other platforms on January 25, "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" is full of Xi'an's city style and the afterglow of life, giving the audience great touch and comfort, triggering the continuous fermentation of word-of-mouth topics.

It is reported that from the warm-up stage to the broadcast that night, the total spread of this evening is as high as 520 million, and topics such as #Xi'an people's song 2022 New Year concert # rushed to the hot search list in the same city, triggering traffic.

There is no top stream but it has become the top stream, why can Shaanxi Satellite TV's "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" be "happy" and moving?

When Xi'an resumed work and production, Shaanxi Satellite TV launched the "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" to focus on the daily life of the public, take the pulse of people's livelihood concerns, and extract moving music from the life of the times to show xi'an's spiritual identity and cultural essence, convey the majestic power of warmth and healing, and more and more highlight the profound value and practical significance of the times.

▍ Cast the highlight with shimmering light, and the city's fireworks burst out emotional penetration

The story of time is silent, but it is often unforgettable. "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" looks back on 2021 and sends love to 2022, focusing on the annual hot spots such as the war epidemic, the FourteenTh Luck, cultural inheritance, nostalgia, friendship, and love, telling the touching stories of ordinary people in Xi'an, such as medical staff, original musicians, white-collar workers, Xinxin students, university professors, art inheritors, and catering services.

There is no top stream but it has become the top stream, why can Shaanxi Satellite TV's "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" be "happy" and moving?

In the noodle restaurant during the epidemic period, although bowls of hot noodles can fill the stomach, the simple words of the boss lady "everything will be fine" soothed the sadness of life, connected the divine comedy "Xi'an people's song", and jointly inspired the spirit of Xi'an people; in the community, volunteers not only incarnated as "big white" to fight against the epidemic, guard a group of people, stick to a city, but also use warmth to give each other the strength of life, but also cherish the fate of "Meet"; on the taxi, The students of the video exchange examination and research Jiaxin not only bloomed their youthful dreams in Xi'an, but also claimed a second hometown that can be returned, which is "Hello, My Xi'an"...

The story and song of "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" shine together, showing the warmest strength, the most beautiful yearning and the happiest taste of ordinary people, outlining the serious life of the people of Xi'an, showing the vitality of the vibrant, watching out for each other, and letting the long-lost fireworks return to the public.

The evening party amplifies real emotions and life, forms a powerful penetration, and resonates with the audience at the same frequency, evoking the empathy of youth and the times.

Ma Yue, a reporter from the media "Xi'an Release", said: "It is like a gift to everyone who loves Xi'an after the epidemic, the painting style is exquisite, the emotion is strong, and the story of the series between each song is also touching." Luo Yuan, a reporter from Huashang Bao, said: "I'm afraid there is nothing more powerful than hearing this familiar song and song in the small Chinese New Year's Eve, and seeing the streets and alleys of this familiar city." Zhang Jing of Xi'an Newspaper Media Group said: "I like this kind of concert with warmth and story, singing the voice of Xi'an people with Daqin Zheng, and we always firmly believe that no winter will not pass, and no spring will not come." ”

"Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" also focuses on shaping the spiritual bond between the city and people, and successfully creates Xi'an's mobile city business card. Xi'an is not only the ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties, hooking the heavy humanistic history, but also deeply imprinted by the times, using the mixed colors of nostalgia and trends such as traffic and water, skyscrapers, TV towers, big wild goose pagodas, Yi Folk Society, water curtain square and SKP-S trend space to link people's style, friendship and belief, showing the unique temperament of this tourist capital, food capital, university capital, venture capital, and hard technology capital, outlining the development blueprint and depicting the national strategy.

"Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" adheres to the pace of the times, breathes with the people, shares the fate, and connects the hearts, which not only shows the public's pursuit of security and happiness, responds to their expectations for a life full of humanity, but also highlights the government's people's livelihood feelings of stabilizing employment and promoting consumption, and plays a role in gathering people's hearts, warming people's hearts and strengthening confidence.

▍ From genre fusion to aesthetic breakthrough, adaptation and superposition of original release of cultural innovation

Sanqin Network reporter Li Yuanzhe spoke highly of the "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert": "The whole concert is like a drama with just the right rhythm, as if the life situations that have been met and not met have been condensed into this concert for a time, and the dramatization is presented." This is due to the fact that "Xi'an People's Song" is placed on the stage of life, constructing a rich realistic aesthetic meaning with urbanization, sceneization, and fireworks, and realizing the type integration and aesthetic breakthrough of the evening.

The city can best show the regional characteristics and cultural customs. "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" reproduces the real, authentic and mellow life experience of Xi'an through the urban expression method.

The opening chapter of the party led the audience into the life of the city, soft and juicy meat sandwich steamed buns, fragrant traditional stews, steaming bowls of noodles, and innocent children playing with drums... The life atmosphere revealed by the party is simple and lively, and the temperature of human feelings is more infectious, so that the audience feels the meaning of life.

From the content, to the scene. "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" enhances the vitality of content dissemination with more diversified scenes and more diversified ways.

For example, "Don't Want to Grow Up", which encourages active aging, includes rich life scenes such as campuses, mobile phone stores, gyms, barber shops, street photography, and hot-blooded motorcycles, and truly interprets the elderly's desire to break the setting and live out their own lives; "XA City" innovates visual effects technology to create a cool visual city map across dimensions, stepping on the drums of brainwashing Rap, CG characters based on music radio hosts singing and dancing with young people, and Xi'an's vitality, dynamics, and fashion are coming.

"Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" uses scene expression to meet the public's physical and emotional needs in different time and space, reshape the relationship between people and people, people and Xi'an, and at the same time reflect the fireworks of the world, so that the audience can experience the taste of the world and feel life in multiple dimensions. Among them, "Back to Xi'an" sees through the in-depth thinking of life, sings the voices of countless Xi'an people who are working outside, so that the audience has a strong picture and a strong substitution.

Shaanxi dialect and dialect culture have also been directly and vividly displayed in the "Xi'an People's Song 2022 Chinese New Year Concert". "Meet", "Back to Xi'an", "Hello, My Xi'an" enters the vision of young people in a layer-by-layer way, which is both grounded and topical, forming a strong cohesion between dialogues, and showing the profound creative skills of the main creator everywhere.

"Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" digs deep into regional culture, shows regional characteristics, integrates a profound and timeless spiritual world and a vivid and full authentic life into the repertoire, so that characters and syllables bloom with new brilliance and release new energy, which has opening and leading significance in the creation of genre evenings.

▍Internal and external linkage deeply cultivates integrated development, and builds a communication matrix to show explosive power

The use of female audio monologues and male voice broadcast implants to structure the story and music is a highlight of the "Xi'an People's Song 2022 Chinese New Year Concert". In terms of creative ideas, "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" abandons the grand narrative concept commonly found in creation, and does not only focus on a single aspect such as food and history, but combines the characteristics of the city from multiple perspectives to create a portrait of Xi'an in the future of the times.

"The carbon water business in the city of carbon water, a good job for a thousand years", "I want to protect you, by my own strength" "Just like when someone asks you what you want to do after the epidemic is over, the answer in your heart is no longer to prove yourself"... These monologues are not sensational but emotional, and in addition to warmth, there is no lack of reason to go deep into reality, opening up space for the audience to think.

"Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" is full of innovative atmosphere, paying special attention to the combination of realism and freehand, and finding the best balance between artistic creation and real records, outlining the flexible "main line of thought", creating an immersive show of the times, and highlighting the high power of the "Shaanxi model" created by Shaanxi Radio and Television Rong Media Group.

There is no top stream but it has become the top stream, why can Shaanxi Satellite TV's "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" be "happy" and moving?

The party also broadens the channels through internal and external linkage, opens up the large-screen end, the network end and the audio end, and forms a multi-faceted coordinated and three-dimensional promotion pattern, so that the party can be "heard" by the audience, "seen" by the audience, and "brushed" by the user.

The "Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert", which has both popularity and word of mouth, has no top stream but has become the top stream, setting up a new sample of the full dimension and all-age transmission of the party.

"Xi'an People's Song 2022 New Year Concert" takes the music as the guide, takes the stories of ordinary people as the line, takes root in the locality, is deeply rooted in the times, weaves a happy and bright movement with a solid ideological texture, a majestic artistic melody and a vivid aesthetic charm, showing the pattern of vision and warm spiritual temperament with small vision and big vision, and effectively inspiring and inspiring the people to go to the future together.

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