
Xinhua All Media + 丨 Runs at full speed on the new track, Shanghai did so at the beginning of the year


Sooner rather than later, sooner rather than later! At the beginning of the new year, the pace of Shanghai to seize the new track and cultivate new kinetic energy has accelerated with full force. From SMIC's 12-inch wafer production line with an investment scale of 100 billion yuan, to SAIC's intelligent networked car, to the virtual idol "Life Experience Officer", Shanghai is making every effort to accelerate the pace of digital technology to empower the real economy. After the GDP has passed the 4 trillion yuan mark, the "new track" and "intelligent manufacturing power" are accumulating new potential energy for Shanghai's high-quality development.

Catch early in time, tigers and tigers are angry

On the eve of the Spring Festival, Shanghai set up a multi-billion yuan scale "domestic automotive chip special fund" to break through the card neck technology, shorten the development cycle, and contribute to the innovative development of China's and even the global automotive industry" "Shanghai wisdom"; Xuhui District, Shanghai, which gathered the national artificial intelligence industry cluster, proposed to "explore the establishment of a meta-universe innovation alliance"...

There are also zhiji cars that have achieved "from zero to one" in only 22 months and refreshed the speed of "Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing". Since the beginning of this year, the first batch of Zhiji L7 Beta Experience Edition has been touring the streets and alleys in many places across the country, and it is expected that the Zhiji L7 test drive will arrive at the store at the end of February, and the real car test drive will be fully opened in early March.

Xinhua All Media + 丨 Runs at full speed on the new track, Shanghai did so at the beginning of the year

At the end of last year, the first 200 beta versions of Zhiji Automobile's first model, the L7, were officially delivered at saicel's Lingang Intelligent Factory. (Courtesy of the interviewee)

These projects are the epitome of Shanghai's development of new technologies, new formats and new models. At this year's Shanghai Two Sessions, "strengthening the layout of new tracks and terminal driving" was written into the municipal government work report; the first executive meeting of the municipal government after the Spring Festival agreed in principle to the "Implementation Plan for the Standardization of Shanghai's Urban Digital Transformation". "Whoever can occupy the new track of economic digitalization will be able to better grasp the initiative of future development", which has become the consensus of this economic center city.

"Intelligent manufacturing power" is "productivity"

In the New Year's Eve marketing just past, a figure wearing a black dress and white boots made people shine, she is a virtual idol Gina, but also a "good life experience officer" of Bailian shares, through the store Vlog on The head social platforms such as Douyin, Xiaohongshu, WeChat, Weibo and other head social platforms officially meet with consumers to "bring goods". During the Spring Festival, Gina also "sparked" with ice and snow sports to ignite the ice and snow consumption brought by the Winter Olympics.

Focusing on the "new track" and "terminal drive", terminal products are bringing new production methods, consumption methods and lifestyles.

As the world's largest dairy monomer factory, Bright Dairy's East China Center factory produces milk for millions of residents to drink every day, but there are almost no workers on the factory production line, only many machine-controlled valves and pipes. Through the "smart brain central control room" in this smart factory, digital operators can "know the milk" through the central control room alone, and 5,000 sensors and more than 10,000 automatic control valves in the factory are interconnected to ensure the automated operation of the factory.

Xinhua All Media + 丨 Runs at full speed on the new track, Shanghai did so at the beginning of the year

In the East China Center factory of Bright Dairy, through the "smart brain central control room", digital operators can "know the milk" through the central control room alone. (Courtesy of the interviewee)

According to statistics, in 2021, the production efficiency of smart factories built in some key industries in Shanghai will increase by an average of 20%, operating costs will be reduced by an average of 25%, and comprehensive energy consumption will be reduced by up to 54%.

This kind of "intelligent manufacturing power" is being exported and sunk to a wide range of small and medium-sized enterprises. Shanghai Bintong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to becoming the "factory brain" that provides intelligent logistics and flexible manufacturing solutions. Gong Chaohui, chairman of the company, said: "We are working with beauty companies in Dongfang Meigu in Fengxian District to help them form a digital closed loop from order management, demand forecasting, order scheduling, optimal allocation of materials, real-time production tracking to data backtracking." China has a sound supply chain and industrial system, which has brought great historical opportunities to the improvement of the 'intelligent manufacturing power' of small and medium-sized enterprises. ”

Step over 4 trillion and accumulate new potential energy

Strengthen the layout of new tracks and strengthen terminal driving, why does Shanghai repeatedly focus on this?

"This is Shanghai's strategic deployment after the GDP has passed the 4 trillion yuan mark and stood on a new level of development, and has deeply considered the momentum and quality of development." The secretary of the party committee of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences weighed and said that new supply creates new demand, and Shanghai's new track will effectively drive the growth of the economic engine.

In 2021, Shanghai will build 2 national benchmark intelligent factories, 5 municipal benchmark intelligent factories, and 40 municipal intelligent factories. Among them, it is regarded by the industry as an important indicator to measure the level of intelligent manufacturing - robot density, Shanghai's key industries reached 383 units / 10,000 workers, and some enterprises such as Haili and Xinshi reached nearly 1,000 units / 10,000 workers, far exceeding the national average of 246 units / 10,000 workers. In 2022, Shanghai is expected to become the first city in the world to release robot density.

"Intelligent manufacturing has been engraved into the genes of Shanghai's development." Han Dadong, director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Division of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, said that with the continuous deepening of Shanghai's digital transformation of the economy with the construction of smart factories, the land is no longer strong stickiness, coupled with the advantages of professional talents, advanced technology and financial ecology, Shanghai is accumulating a new round of digital-driven "intelligent manufacturing power".

Wu Jincheng, director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, said that it is necessary to seize the new track and new kinetic energy, continue to attract layout and cultivate a number of major industrial projects in the fields of digital economy, green and low-carbon, meta-universe, and intelligent terminals. It is necessary to focus on the current, focus on the "heat" and ballast stone industries, and focus on the "luminous" and engine industries based on the long term. (Reporters Yao Yujie, Gong Wen, Zhou Rui)

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