
Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine
Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

In the spring, the yang qi is born, and everything is born. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that spring belongs to wood, wood meets spring and prosperity, the liver in the human body belongs to wood, the liver corresponds to spring, spring everything is revived, liver qi is thinned, and human qi and blood can be smooth. However, in the spring, people often have problems with the liver, and if the rise is too much, the liver and yang will be hyperactive, and if the rise is not enough, it will lead to liver qi depression. Spring liver care is very important, especially for patients with acute and chronic liver disease, it will play a health care effect with half the effort.

The plan of the year lies in the spring, and the liver should not bear the spring in March. If you want to be healthy, liver nourishment cannot be ignored. Spring health care should be based on natural phenological phenomena, their own physical differences for reasonable mental, living, diet maintenance. According to the physiological characteristics of the liver, the following five principles can be followed to nourish the liver.

Get enough sleep

Nourish the liver

In the spring, you should go to bed early and get up early to adapt to the characteristics of the initial rise of yang qi in spring, prevent "spring sleepiness", and moderate "spring cover". Avoid exposing your ankles, waist and navel, and harming your body's yang. From 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. is the time for hepatobiliary meridians, if you can fall asleep before 11 o'clock every night, you can make the liver and blood nourish and rejuvenate a hundred times.

Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

Keep your mood comfortable

The liver is drained, the joy is up to the bad depression, and the anger and anger can easily lead to the stagnation of liver qi and blood. Therefore, we must learn to control anger, try our best to be calm, optimistic and cheerful, sleep well, actively read, communicate with friends, so that liver qi can grow and be adjusted normally, which is of great benefit to the prevention and treatment of liver and related diseases.

Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

Participate in outdoor activities

Spring everything sprouts, suitable for seasonal outdoor activities, such as climbing, flying kites, walking, stepping on the green, playing tai chi, etc., actively looking at the exercise of vision, usually combing the hair, massaging acupuncture points, not only can make the popularity and blood smooth, promote vomiting and new, strengthen the body, but also can nourish the liver and achieve the purpose of liver health care. Avoid exercising at night, so as not to absorb the cold air and damage the yang qi.

Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

Pay attention to the combination of work and leisure

Overwork is easy to consume blood and damage gas and injure the liver, and proper rest is very necessary for patients with liver disease. For patients with acute liver disease, bed rest should be the mainstay; patients with chronic liver disease should pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, and the activity should be to the degree of no fatigue.

Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

Dietary conditioning

The spring diet should be based on flat supplementation, focusing on nourishing the liver and spleen, and choosing less acidic and more gangan foods (such as dates, yams, peanuts) to nourish the liver and spleen. Diet should be light, eat less greasy, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink less alcohol and eat more porridge. It should be noted that animal livers cannot play a role in tonifying the liver, and even increase the burden on the liver because of the high content of cholesterol and heavy metals.

Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

The following is to introduce several spring liver porridges that are convenient to use, simple to make and have good effects.

Celery porridge

Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

Ingredients: 150 g celery, 100 g japonica rice.

Directions: Root the celery, chop it, boil it with water, take the juice and cook it with japonica rice as porridge, and eat it twice in the morning and dinner.

Efficacy: This porridge is added to celery, which has the effect of calming the liver and lowering blood pressure, calming and calming the spirit, and is suitable for people with liver fire headache and dizziness. Drinking this porridge often has certain benefits for nourishing the liver, lowering blood pressure, and reducing irritability.

Cassia porridge

Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

Ingredients: Cassia seeds 10 g, rice 80 g, a small amount of rock sugar.

Directions: First, fry the cassia seeds in water and take the appropriate amount of juice. Then cook it with its juice and rice, and add rock sugar to the porridge. Serve with meals in the morning and evening.

Efficacy: Cassia seeds have the effect of clearing the liver, eyesight and laxative. This porridge is suitable for people with redness and swelling, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, habitual constipation and other diseases. Cassia children are cold, spleen weakness and loose stools should be eaten with caution.

Goji berry porridge

Spring liver nourishment is the right time, how to raise how to eat, all here

Ingredients: 30 g of goji berries, 100 g of japonica rice.

Directions: Wash the goji berries and put them in a pot with japonica rice, add water and cook the porridge. Take breakfast and dinner or as an afternoon snack.

Efficacy: Goji berries have the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys and tonifying the blood, which is more suitable for people with liver and kidney yin deficiency, dry mouth, astringent mouth, tinnitus, and soft waist and knees. For patients with chronic liver disease, goji porridge also has liver protection and liver protection, and promotes liver cell regeneration. ■

【Source: Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine】

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