
Venturing into x86 servers? Apple is hiring engineers who are familiar with Intel/AMD

As the world's largest technology company, Apple's current business is mainly in the consumer sector, but a job advertisement they released revealed that they may be entering a new market - x86 servers, and Apple is hiring hardware engineers familiar with x86.

According to Apple's job posting, they wanted to seek to recruit some optimistic, hard-working hardware engineers with the aim of apple's next-generation hyperscale and storage server platform development, implementation and hardware testing plans.

Job ads show that Apple's hardware servers are powered by x86 processors, and the recruiters need to have experience with the servers and storage systems of Intel and AMD platforms.

Judging from Apple's recruitment, they are preparing a new generation of data center server hardware systems, processors are from AMD or Intel, it is likely that Apple will customize according to business needs rather than directly purchase server manufacturers' products, so some hardware engineers familiar with the AMD/Intel platform are needed.

Venturing into x86 servers? Apple is hiring engineers who are familiar with Intel/AMD

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