
If someone doesn't like you, what's the smartest thing to do? Gu Ailing said the truth in one sentence

If someone doesn't like you, what's the smartest thing to do? Gu Ailing said the truth in one sentence

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At the Beijing Winter Olympics, 18-year-old "frog princess" Gu Ailing shined. She won the gold medal in the Winter Olympic Freestyle Ski Jump, which was her first Winter Olympic medal and the third gold medal for the Chinese team at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Along with glory came the doubts and grievances of some foreigners.

Because Gu Ailing grew up abroad, but finally returned to China and represented China in the Winter Olympics, foreign countries have never stopped questioning and criticizing her.

If someone doesn't like you, what's the smartest thing to do? Gu Ailing said the truth in one sentence

When interviewed by a foreign reporter, she asked how to balance these doubts and judgments abroad, and she first generously thanked the reporter for his question, and then calmly replied:

"Maybe they share different values than I do, and I'm not prepared to waste my time on people who aren't educated enough, and they may never get a chance to experience the joy, gratitude and love I feel every day."

If someone doesn't believe me, or doesn't like me, then it's their loss and they can't be Olympic champions. ”

Her speech, also known as the Queen's speech by netizens, is both confident and atmospheric, and her results are the best counterattack to those who question her.

Gu Ailing taught us a true truth, if someone does not like you, the smartest thing to do is to become stronger, leaving those who do not like you behind, anyway, they can not catch up with you, can only look up silently behind your back, silently sour you.

If someone doesn't like you, what's the smartest thing to do? Gu Ailing said the truth in one sentence

One: Good or bad is one thing, like it or not is another

Gu Ailing's popularity is not an accident, but an inevitability.

Many people call her a genius, but I think it's the result of her hard work, not only in her teens, she won dozens of ski gold medals, but also good at basketball, football, long-distance running and other sports. Not only that, she is also proficient in piano, rock climbing, surfing and other hobbies.

At the same time, she was a proper school bully, completing high school a year ahead of others and then admitted to Stanford with high scores.

If someone doesn't like you, what's the smartest thing to do? Gu Ailing said the truth in one sentence

Even if Gu Ailing is so excellent, there are still people who don't like her and try to criticize her, which shows that whether a person is good or not is one thing, and whether or not someone likes her is another matter.

Mo Yan is one of the greatest writers of this era, and his works such as "Life and Death Fatigue" and "Sandalwood Punishment" have profound social significance, but the doubts about him have never stopped.

Some people accuse his works of scandalizing the people at the bottom, some say that his articles use vulgar words, but he pays no attention to these accusations and insists on his own style of writing.

If someone doesn't like you, what's the smartest thing to do? Gu Ailing said the truth in one sentence

In 2012, Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature, becoming the first Chinese writer to receive this honor.

For a time, his works were sold out of circulation, and all kinds of praise poured in, including his previous controversial works, which were also taken as a guideline by literary lovers.

The book is still that book, and the words are still those words, because with the blessing of the Nobel Prize in Literature, the evaluation has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the face of such a reversal, Mo Yan was still calm, he said:

"In this world, there are always people you don't like, and there are always people who don't like you, and they can't change." Because, good or bad is one thing, like it or not is another. ”

Some netizens once joked that I am not RMB, and it is impossible for everyone to like me. Everyone has their own values and judgments, and for the same thing, some people love it, and some people hate it to the bone. This is just the subjective impression of different people, and it does not indicate whether you are good or not.

If someone doesn't like you, what's the smartest thing to do? Gu Ailing said the truth in one sentence

Two: The beasts of prey always walk alone, and the cattle and sheep are in groups

Mr. Lu Xun once said that beasts of prey always walk alone, and cattle and sheep are in groups. Just because you're not recognized by most people doesn't mean you're not good, maybe it's just that you're walking faster than them.

Most of the people in this world are ordinary people who do nothing. If you are after the approval of most people, then you can only be a good ordinary person to do your best. If you don't care, why be afraid to be different.

The goal you set for yourself is to soar across the sky, so don't care about the controversy on the ground.

Mr. Yang Dai said: No matter which step you go up in your life, there are people at the bottom of the steps looking up at you, and there are also people on the steps who are looking down on you. You look up at yourself, you look down at yourself, and only by looking down can you see your true self.

A person came to this world alone, and your comrades-in-arms are only yourself. Not inferior, not self-satisfied, with a normal heart to face themselves, no gain or loss of heart to look at others, this is the secret to success.

The meaning of your life is to achieve yourself, not to please others.

Other people's evaluations can be your scenery along the way, but they can't be your signposts.

If someone doesn't like you, what's the smartest thing to do? Gu Ailing said the truth in one sentence

Most people who are mediocre are used to hugging each other for warmth, and they are used to responding to everything. But the strength of a hundred sheep could not match the roar of a lion. You're not trying to get the approval of most people, your goal is a sea of stars.

If someone doesn't like you, don't care, you don't exist to please anyone, as Gu Ailing said: I'm just an 18-year-old girl, and I'm only responsible for enjoying my life.


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