
Gong Yanlou: Will the baby turn black when he eats soy sauce? Debunk the rumors! What really affects your baby's skin tone is these 4 points

"The baby can't eat soy sauce, eating soy sauce will turn black", "pregnant women can't eat soy sauce, the baby born will turn black..." I believe that many mothers have been intimidated in this way, I don't know when, the baby's blackened pot will be thrown to the soy sauce, soy sauce said very helpless. Mituomi told everyone that although the soy sauce is very black, but it will not turn black after eating it, the reason why everyone thinks that eating soy sauce will turn black is mainly due to the color of the soy sauce itself, so why is the soy sauce so black? The fermentation of proteins and starches in the raw materials of soy sauce will make the soy sauce turn reddish brown. The main ingredients of soy sauce are amino acids, organic acids, sugars and colors.

And the ingredient "tyrosine", which has always been tabooed by everyone, is indeed a raw material for the formation of melanin, but the content is particularly low, low enough to be negligible. After it is eaten, most of it is excreted by the intestine and does not cause the deposition of skin melanin. Therefore, Mituomi told everyone that eating soy sauce will not make it black.

Honey tells you that the reasons that really affect your baby's skin color are these:

Congenital factors:

A person's skin color is determined by the melanin content in his body, the higher the melanin content in the skin, the darker the skin, and vice versa, the whiter the skin will be.

Acquired factors:

1, ultraviolet: the raw material for the formation of melanin is tyrosine, and ultraviolet light will increase the activity of tyrosinase, accelerate the production and precipitation of melanin, and the skin will be blackened.

2. Endocrine: when pregnant women are pregnant, estrogen levels increase, and estrogen will stimulate melanocytes to secrete melanin, and progesterone will accelerate the diffusion and precipitation of melanin.

3, vitamins: lack of vitamin A, will lead to hair follicles hyperkeratosis, triggering pigmentation, but if too much supplementation will also affect the skin color, such as carrots, pumpkins and other carotene-rich foods, if the supplementation is excessive, the baby's palms will be yellow, so the right amount is the most important.

Every mother wants the baby to have white and tender skin, we can't change the innate genes, but we can prevent the baby from turning black by controlling the acquired environmental factors.

1. Do a good job of sun protection.

To prevent your baby from turning black, the most important thing is to resist the damage of ultraviolet rays. The damage of ultraviolet rays is a long accumulation process, if you do not pay attention to it when you are a child, the chance of tanning is higher when you grow up.

Mitomi suggests that you can physically protect the sun: sun umbrellas, sunscreen clothing, hats, sunglasses, etc., which is the most direct, simple and effective way, and will not cause any pressure on the baby's skin; let the baby ride in a cart with an umbrella, or play under the umbrella and in the shade, do not directly expose.

For sunscreen: babies under 6 months are not recommended to use, babies over 6 months old can choose sunscreen within SPF10/PA+; half an hour before going out to help the baby apply well, in order to play a role in sunscreen; every 1.5-2 hours to reapply sunscreen, if the baby sweats more or plays with water, you need to make up for it in time; Honey to remind, sunscreen is a chemical, back indoors to clean in time, give the baby a good job of skin care. Avoid taking your baby out when UV rays are strongest between 10am and 4pm.

2. Try to avoid injuries to your baby.

After the baby is injured, it is easy to scratch the affected area, and once it causes infection or damage to the dermis layer of the skin, it not only aggravates the pigmentation, but also tends to leave scars.

3. Supplement nutrition.

Mitomi told everyone that the baby with an unbalanced diet may also affect the skin color, if you want to improve, you must start from the food ingested by the baby to change, eat more vitamin C-rich food, can interfere with the formation of skin melanin, reduce the precipitation of melanin. Representative foods are: tomatoes, grapes, citrus, cauliflower, winter melon, apples, pears, fresh dates and so on.

White and tender skin can certainly increase the baby's appearance, but it is not a measure of the baby's health standards, so Mitomi suggests that on the road to the pursuit of beauty, it is necessary to use a healthy way to avoid the baby's exposure to too many whitening products and cause harm to the baby.

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