
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine

Nowadays, people are very cautious about medication, including hospital prescriptions and patient medication.

But sometimes because some people are not careful, it will lead to the kind of "just in case" thing:

Some time ago, a pregnant mother in Hefei went to the hospital accompanied by her husband to protect the fetus.

But two days later, after taking the medicine given by the nurse, I received a notice that "I took the wrong medicine and took it as a fetal medicine".

The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine

This is really outrageous, the medical staff drug distribution error is dereliction of duty, the fetal protection drug into the fetal medicine, is the consequences are serious!!!

Of course, the nurse was suspended afterwards.

However, it is understood that the fetus was about 17 weeks old at that time, but due to the accidental consumption of fetal medicine, coupled with the fact that pregnant women were mentally stimulated, they did not plan to have this child.

The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine

The result is really lamentable.

Whether from the perspective of a doctor or an ordinary person, bacteria hope that this will not happen again.

I also hope that everyone can take this as a warning, increase vigilance, and do a good job of their own line of defense, especially special groups such as pregnant mothers.

Fetal protection pills or beat tire medicine

Pregnant women need to be extra careful in everything they do, especially in terms of medication, so it is necessary to know some medication knowledge.

The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine

Like fetal protection pills, medication in the first and middle and third trimesters of pregnancy will vary depending on the situation.

In the early stage, it mainly includes hormones, vitamins, hemostatic drugs, anticoagulants, etc. that support the function of the luteal body, and in the middle and late stages, it is mainly some drugs that inhibit uterine contractions, and generally will not have any effect on the use of drugs under the guidance of doctors.

The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine

As for fetal beating drugs, the most commonly used clinical drugs in early pregnancy are mifepristone and misoprostol.

The above pregnant mother mistakenly took mifepristone.

Although the drug flow generally requires the combination of these two drugs, taking mifepristone alone certainly has an effect on the fetus.

Mifepristone is a steroid-like antiprogestin preparation that is responsible for killing embryos.

Misoprostol is a prostaglandin analogue that has the effect of uterine excitation and cervical softening, it causes the uterus to contract, prompting the excretion of dead embryos.

In order to avoid the recurrence of the above medical accidents, the bacteria hope that pregnant mothers must be vigilant about these two drug names and not take !!!

Black list of medications during pregnancy

In addition, there are many drugs during pregnancy that cannot be used casually, and nursing mothers should also be cautious in medication.

The bacteria are sorted out for everyone, directly on the picture!

The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine
The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine

I hope that this black list can serve as a scale in everyone's heart to remind yourself to take medicine cautiously.

The medicine is taken from the mouth before entering

Remember to do so!

Drugs that are not on the black list, pregnant mothers need to take medication, but also be cautious and cautious!

The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine

Healthcare workers need to abide by their duties, and strict adherence to the drug delivery procedures is key.

Pregnant mothers also need to go to regular hospitals, in addition, they can also understand some common sense of medication during pregnancy.

Because if there is a real mistake in taking the drug, although sometimes the responsibility is not on yourself, it will only be you who will be hurt.

Don't forget to turn it out and let more pregnant mothers pay attention to the safety of medication during pregnancy to prevent tragedy.

The fetal protection pill was prescribed as a fetal medicine, and the mother was forced to miscarry! Doctors remind: Look at this first when buying medicine

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