
The Provincial Cpc Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform Held the Twenty-first Meeting Wu Zhenglong presided over Xu Kunlin's attendance

author:Jiangsu News
The Provincial Cpc Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform Held the Twenty-first Meeting Wu Zhenglong presided over Xu Kunlin's attendance

On the afternoon of February 7, Wu Zhenglong, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and director of the Provincial Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, presided over the 21st meeting of the Provincial Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on comprehensively deepening reform and the spirit of important instructions for Jiangsu's work, and deliberating on the 2021 work summary report of the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform and the key points of work in 2022. Xu Kunlin and Fei Gaoyun, deputy directors of the Provincial CPC Committee's Deep Reform Committee, attended the meeting.

The Provincial Cpc Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform Held the Twenty-first Meeting Wu Zhenglong presided over Xu Kunlin's attendance

The meeting fully affirmed the work of the Provincial Party Committee's Deep Reform Committee since last year, and pointed out that this year is the year of the Twentieth National Congress of the Party and the beginning of the comprehensive implementation of the deployment of the Fourteenth Provincial Party Congress, and it is of great significance to do a good job in reform work. It is necessary to deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively deepening reform and the spirit of important instructions for Jiangsu's work, from the political height of defending the "two establishments" and achieving "two safeguards", effectively enhance the ideological consciousness, political consciousness and action consciousness of reform, firmly grasp the task requirements of the new development stage, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in a stable manner, completely and accurately implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern of services, and adhere to the unity of goal-oriented, problem-oriented and result-oriented. Adhere to the supply-side structural reform as the main line, coordinate the promotion of reform in various fields, grasp the implementation of reform tasks with the spirit of grasping iron and stepping stones to leave a mark, in order to shoulder the glorious mission of "striving to be an example, striving to be a model, and walking in the forefront", compose a new chapter in the modernization construction of "strong, rich and high" in Jiangsu, stimulate more powerful momentum, and greet the victory of the party's 20th National Congress with practical actions.

The meeting stressed that to grasp the reform work well, we must bear in mind the "two overall situations", keep in mind the "great power of the country", regularly benchmark with the spirit of the central government, correct deviations in a timely manner, and unswervingly promote the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee on reform. It is necessary to focus on promoting high-quality development, creating a high-quality life, and achieving high-efficiency governance, focusing on the needs of market players and the concerns of the masses, grasping key points and breaking through difficult points, boldly breaking through, boldly trying, daring to gnaw hard bones, daring to wade into dangerous beaches, and striving to form more replicable and generalizable achievements and experiences, and fully releasing the reform dividend. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, consolidate the main responsibilities, especially the main leaders should personally grasp the reform, adhere to the simultaneous advancement of the rule of law and reform, persist in combining the promotion of reform with the prevention and resolution of major risks, link up and down, form a joint force, and promote the reform to be stable and far-reaching.

The meeting deliberated on the implementation of the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Promoting the Optimization and Structural Adjustment of the State-Owned Economic Layout in the New Era", pointing out that it is necessary to profoundly understand and accurately grasp the great significance of the optimization and structural adjustment of the layout of the state-owned economy, focus on building a new development pattern and implementing major national strategies, give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, give better play to the role of the government, promote the concentration of state-owned capital in key areas such as strategic guarantees, the national economy and the people's livelihood, and the emergence of industries. The high-end concentration in the industrial chain value chain is concentrated to enterprises with key core technologies and core competitiveness, improving the efficiency of state-owned capital allocation, and promoting the high-quality development of the state-owned economy in our province. It is necessary to rely on deepening reform to become stronger, better, and larger state-owned enterprises in our province, and further enhance the competitiveness, innovation, control, influence, and ability to resist risks of the state-owned economy.

The meeting deliberated the "Action Plan for Jiangsu Province to Build a High-standard Market System", pointing out that it is necessary to firmly grasp the strategic fulcrum of expanding domestic demand, adhere to the combination of an effective market and a promising government, adhere to the synergy of policies, resources and forces, and strive to achieve smooth market access, open and orderly, full competition, and standardized order, so as to provide strong institutional support for the construction of a new development pattern.

The meeting deliberated the "Implementation Opinions on Improving the Price Regulation and Control Mechanism for Important People's Livelihood Commodities", and pointed out that it is necessary to deeply practice the people-centered development thinking, always tighten the string of important people's livelihood commodities that are constantly out of stock and prices do not rise sharply, make overall plans for development and security, coordinate economic and social development and people's livelihood guarantees, coordinate the roles of the government, the market, and society, strengthen targeted measures for important people's livelihood commodities such as "rice bags" and "vegetable baskets", key links such as production, reserves, circulation, and transportation, and key groups such as low-income groups We will further do a good job in stabilizing production, smooth circulation, grasping emergency response, and ensuring safety, and make every effort to ensure that the supply of important people's livelihood commodities is sufficient and the prices are basically stable.

The Provincial Cpc Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform Held the Twenty-first Meeting Wu Zhenglong presided over Xu Kunlin's attendance

Jiangsu Public News Channel

Jiangsu Radio and Television Rong Media News Center reporter / Zhou Ming Gao Yan

Photography / Wu Sheng

Edit / Peach


The Provincial Cpc Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform Held the Twenty-first Meeting Wu Zhenglong presided over Xu Kunlin's attendance

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