
What level does the yellow warning of road icing represent? How to ensure the safety of travel?

Wuhan Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for road icing at 16:11 on February 8, 2022: Affected by snow, it is expected that from tonight to tomorrow morning, most areas of the city, especially in mountainous areas, bridges and other icy sections of the road will still have an impact on traffic, please pay attention to prevention.

What level does a yellow alert represent?

The level of meteorological disaster early warning signals is generally divided into four levels according to the degree of harm, urgency and development situation that meteorological disasters may cause: IV. (general), III. (heavier), II. (serious), I. (particularly serious), and blue, yellow, orange and red in turn. Early warning signals are divided into typhoons, heavy rainstorms, blizzards, cold waves, high winds, sandstorms, high temperatures, droughts, lightning, hail, frost, fog, haze, road ice, etc. The yellow warning represents level III (heavier).

Every winter, if the ground temperature is below 0 °C, the road will freeze. Yellow warning of icy roads, how to ensure the safety of travel?

What level does the yellow warning of road icing represent? How to ensure the safety of travel?

Driving precautions

1. Slow down

Driving on snowy roads, be sure to slow down, steadily pass through the frozen road, do not brake sharply, otherwise it is easy to cause side slippage or rear-end, you can also follow the trajectory of the car in front of you to avoid straying into potholes or waterlogged sections.

2, the vehicle slipped and did not panic

The most dangerous is that the road is slippery, and the steering wheel should be gently rotated in the direction of slippage when driving, and then gently pressed on the brakes after the vehicle returned to the right direction. Vehicles equipped with ABS brake system and body stability control system must be stepped on to the end once when stepping on the brakes, and the steering wheel must be controlled at the same time, and the "point brake" method cannot be used, otherwise it is more dangerous. It is relatively safe to drive on icy roads or to add snow chains to the tires or use snow tires.

What level does the yellow warning of road icing represent? How to ensure the safety of travel?

3. Maintain a safe distance

Driving on ice and snow roads, the distance between driving should be reserved for a larger distance than usual, and it will be difficult to control the distance of the brakes if it is too close to the car, and once the correct measures are not taken, it is easy to lead to accidents.

What level does the yellow warning of road icing represent? How to ensure the safety of travel?

4. Keep the line of sight clear in the car

The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the frozen crane is large, the car glass is easy to fog, resulting in blurred vision, it is necessary to open the window defogging function in time or turn on the air conditioner, dry with a towel, etc., to ensure that the driving vision is clear to be safe on the road.

5. Turn on the lights in time to warn

Turn on running lights and fog lights if necessary. If the visibility is low, you should pay attention to the correct use of lights: first, turn on fog lights and low beam lights to help drivers look at the situation ahead, so that drivers can see the road conditions in front of them clearly; second, open the contour lights and front and rear position lights, indicate the position of their vehicles, and make it convenient for vehicles driving in front of and behind to take corresponding measures.

Ride and walk with extra care

Cycling and walking in freezing weather should pay more attention to observing the surrounding situation than on a sunny day, and consciously abide by the law.

Cycling on rainy and snowy days, it is best to wear a raincoat and a poncho, do not hold an umbrella in one hand, and ride with a handle in the other.

Do not organize scarves and clothes during the ride, and park your car in a safe area to make these preparations.

Bicycle tires should not be inflated too much, which can increase the friction between the tires and the ground and is not easy to slip.

Keep a large distance from the vehicles and pedestrians in front of you to avoid accidents.

Everyone must pay attention to safety

(Produced by The Greater Wuhan client of Yangtze River Daily Integration: Deng Laxiu, reporter of Yangtze River Daily Source: Wuhan Meteorological Observatory Henan Meteorology)

【Editor: Ding Fei】

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