
Network transmission xiaomi surging P1 is not self-developed, South core semiconductor: the news is not true

Sanyan Finance February 8 news, in response to some netizens said that xiaomi surging P1 chip is not self-developed, Shanghai Nanxin Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. today issued a document that xiaomi surging P1 chip for xiaomi self-developed design, South core semiconductor foundry (internal code name SC8561), the chip has ultra-high voltage 4:1 charging architecture, to achieve 120W single-cell charging, support 1:1, 2:1 and 4:1 conversion mode, all modes can be dual-guided, can achieve wired 120W, wireless 50W, Wireless reverse charging and other charging functions.

Nanxin Semiconductor released the Nanxin SC8571 in September 2021, which is an ultra-high voltage 4:2 charging architecture, which can realize 120W dual-cell charging, and supports 4:2 and 2:2 modes for ultra-high power charging needs.

Xiaomi's self-developed surging P1 charging chip and the Nanxin SC8571 topology are completely different, which are two charging chips with different designs, different functions and different positioning.

Network transmission xiaomi surging P1 is not self-developed, South core semiconductor: the news is not true

This morning, some netizens posted that Xiaomi's self-developed surging P1 chip is actually purchased rather than self-developed.

In December 2021, Xiaomi released the third self-developed chip surging P1, and the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro is equipped with the charging chip, making the industry realize the "120W single cell" charging technology for the first time.

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Network transmission xiaomi surging P1 is not self-developed, South core semiconductor: the news is not true

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