
Brother Jian said that the heart has a sound version of | "mouth honey belly sword" sugar, you can't eat more!

Brother Jian said that the heart has a sound version of | "mouth honey belly sword" sugar, you can't eat more!

Hello! I am Liu Jian

Today is the 565th issue that Jian Ge said to accompany you

The Spring Festival holiday has just passed, I don't know if the New Year goods you bought have been eaten? Do you have a lot of candy left in your house?

Advise you, sugar, to eat less.

Added sugar – empty calorie food

The sugar mentioned here does not only refer to the candy eaten in the New Year, but refers to the sugar artificially added to the food, collectively known as sugars, including monosaccharides, disaccharides and sugar alcohols, monosaccharides and disaccharides are also known as added sugars, easy to raise blood sugar after intake, energy is also relatively high, the impact on human health is larger, and sugar alcohol is not easy to raise blood sugar, low energy, less impact on human health.

Brother Jian said that the heart has a sound version of | "mouth honey belly sword" sugar, you can't eat more!

Added sugar, mainly including white sugar, brown sugar, honey and glucose, etc., which we can know at a glance that they belong to the sugar class, in addition, there are some names that do not belong to added sugars, such as dextrin, ethyl malt powder, fructose syrup, maple syrup, concentrated juice, agave and so on. If more than three ingredients appear in the first three places of the food ingredients, it means that there are more added sugars. Naturally occurring sugars in fruits and vegetables, lactose naturally occurring in milk, and starch in staple foods are not added sugars.

Those with added sugar, empty calories but no nutrients, are also known as Empty Calories Food. Previous studies have found that excessive intake of added sugars, in addition to the harm of caries formation that we all know, will also increase the risk of overweight and obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Brother Jian said that the heart has a sound version of | "mouth honey belly sword" sugar, you can't eat more!

All kinds of sugars, all kinds of hazards

Therefore, the World Health Organization recommends reducing the intake of added sugars, and the recommended intake of added sugars in the dietary guidelines for mainland residents, like the World Health Organization, should be controlled within 10% of the daily energy intake. Specifically, the daily intake of added sugars per person should not exceed 50 grams, and it is best to limit them to less than 25 grams.

How to achieve a low-sugar diet?

With only 25 grams of sugar a day, you might think it's easy just by looking at the numbers, but if you know the following facts, I'm afraid it will change.

A 500ml bottle of Coke contains 52.5 grams of sugar; a box of 250 grams of yogurt contains 23 grams of sugar (carbohydrate 14 grams/100 grams); a 100 grams of 70% dark chocolate contains 30 grams of sugar; and bread, cookies, etc. These foods are very high in sugar content, and the sugar you eat may be several times what you think.

Although, compared with European and American countries, the intake of added sugars in the mainland is relatively low, but in recent years, the consumption of added sugar foods has increased. A national survey in mainland China found that the proportion of people who bought added sugar foods within 3 days rose from 20.4% in 2002 to 26.9% in 2012, and the most added sugar foods were fast food, such as bread and biscuits; milk and products, such as yogurt; cake desserts, such as fruitcakes, and sugary drinks such as cola[1].

How do you control the sugar you eat? In other words, how do you do a low-sugar diet?

First, try to eat less candy and drink fewer sugary drinks. Including chocolate, as well as various flavors of candy, should be eaten less; buy drinks should pay attention to the carbohydrate content of the nutrition content list, try to choose a low content of drinks, drink milk, coffee, soy milk, etc., try not to add sugar.

Second, whole fruit is better than pure fruit juice. Whether it is commercially available or homemade pure fruit juice, the sugar content is not low, try not to drink.

Third, eat less baked goods, such as bread, cakes, biscuits, etc. These foods contain more sugar, even if they are baked by themselves, they also need enough sugar to have a good taste, and they should eat as little as possible.

Fourth, daily cooking is less sugary. Drink as little as possible with sugar water and sweet porridge, do not put sugar in cooking, and make less sweet and sour and braised dishes.

Brother Jian said that the heart has a sound version of | "mouth honey belly sword" sugar, you can't eat more!

Brother Jian said

Added sugar is called empty calorie food, after the human body ingests, it is easy to raise blood sugar, long-term consumption of a large number of health.

Dietary guidelines recommend that the daily intake of added sugars per person should not exceed 50 grams, preferably to less than 25 grams.

It is recommended to pay attention to the sugar content in the ingredient list or nutrition facts table when buying food, and minimize the purchase of foods containing added sugar.

Today's content is finished, and the next issue is more exciting.

Heart health knowledge is in "Jian Ge Says Heart"

We'll see you next time.

"On the Heart" - Medicine, Health and Lifestyle of the Heart

Works by Professor Liu Jian

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