
God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

It is said that Tesla's pickup truck Cybertruc has received widespread attention as soon as it was released, but the mass production version has been delayed again and again, and the latest news will not be officially launched until next year.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

That said, someone has already designed and developed a wilderness camping kit for it.

For example, a folding campervan was once introduced, equipped with a Tesla pickup truck, which can turn it into a small house.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds
God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

There is also a company called Stream It, which has designed more compact accessories, which are usually hidden in the back compartment of Tesla pickup trucks and integrated with them. When needed, it automatically pops open into a small, fully functional house.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

Moreover, the company also made a prototype and announced that it had received a pre-sale order of $100 million.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

In short, it is some innovative design with a lot of ideas.

Today, Cybercat, a Seattle startup, believes it's not enough to play on land, so they've designed a kit that would turn a Tesla pickup truck into a boat.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

So how does this work?

It turned out that it was designed with some foldable accessories, including two inflatable pontoons.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

There is also an optional 50 kW electric propeller with a choice of up to five for a total output of 335 hp.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

These accessories can be installed around the body of the Tesla pickup truck and ensure the ground clearance of the chassis without affecting the car's driving on land.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

Therefore, it can drive into the water on its own, and when it reaches a certain depth, the pontoons on both sides will automatically fold down and become a catamaran.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

It has a top speed of 22 knots and a range of about 100 nautical miles.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

At the same time, the original pickup truck trunk is a small deck where you can enjoy the sun bath.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

In addition to this, it can be paired with two chairs to turn it into a terrace for fishing.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

Even, several Tesla pickups can be connected together and combined into a floating island.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

Of course, with the camping kit, it can also be transformed into a floating house on the water.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

In addition, there is a premium version kit. The speed of the ship can reach 35 knots and the endurance is about 430 nautical miles.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

Reservations have been accepted on its website. The standard version sells for $22,900 to $32,900, while the premium version sells for $35,400 to $42,900, depending on the number of motors selected.

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

Innovator Jun thinks this design is really a bit too crazy, with it, Tesla pickup seconds into a ship!

God designed! Tesla pickups turn into a ship in seconds

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