
Novel: My youth is a bowl of spicy powder

author:Pod Literature
Novel: My youth is a bowl of spicy powder

Author: Pod

Zuo Hua quickened his pace, and it was almost noon. She walked the back street, there were few cars, and on the main street, it was not far from where she was going, so she simply walked.

The sunlight in the depths of winter is just a useless cover, and the people on the streets are tightly covered. Zuo Hua was also, because he was in a hurry, his body was alive and open, and he didn't feel cold. The scenery is also beautiful, everywhere is white, small places, when it snows, I put on a plain dress for the earth, everywhere is white, everywhere is clean.

As long as he wasn't in a hurry, Zuo Hua liked to walk on the road like this. Walking like this for an hour and a half every day, not feeling wasted, walking, is the feeling of being alive; walking, the street market is like a river, I am a fish in the river, as if I can see the scales emitted from my body.

On the way, she answered Juanzi's phone call, saying that she was in the book market and could try to help her find a lost book that she had read more than once, and ask her for the title. Speaking of the title, she was blindfolded, and she didn't even remember that she had said such a thing, but after a few years, she had forgotten it. Now, Juanzi's phone calls make her happy. Someone was still concerned about something she had forgotten, which was more gratifying than finding the book.

Zuo Hua happily made an appointment with Juanzi on the phone, and when she returned, they would find a place to drink. Juanzi is a good companion, when they are together, they say something, and when they have nothing to say, they look at the sky through the glass. Juanzi has a clever ear and can hear what the other party is not saying. Zuo Hua, like Juanzi, will never sit alone in the hotel to drink, one person drinks wine is boring, both are working hard, do not show anyone that they will be a drunkard, but this life often has a stuffy need to drink, then two people are good, with cover. When Zuo Hua thought like this, he took a big stride. The heart says that to live one needs to be sober, and that nothing is worth liberating with wine.

Turning around the center mall, the front was the hospital, and when she entered the hospital gate, she almost ran into the hall of the hospital. The heat wave in the hall made people suddenly soft. She took off her gloves and rubbed her frozen hands hard, rubbing her hands and face. Extreme cold changes to extreme heat, and the skin becomes itchy. Zuo Hua was in the process of reviving her whole body, and she watched Lin Yu come over.

Zuo Hua smiled, smiled lightly, did not open his mouth, his eyes squinted, stared at Lin Yu, stared for a while, began to turn his body, left and right, and then his eyes fell back to the other person's face. Lin Yu did not dodge, stared directly, no matter where her eyes looked, it did not matter, the eyes were biting and not letting go. Zuo Hua was uncomfortable and had to look back and forth in the hall of the hospital, circling around enough to formally catch Lin Yuyang's bold gaze.

Zuo Hua came to the hospital to visit his cousin. Her cousin was hit by a car, her calf was fractured, she went to the hospital, just when her cousin came out of the operating room, before she had time to talk to her cousin, she saw Lin Yu coming out of the operating room together. The moment Lin Yu took off the mask in front of her, Zuo Hua was still relatively calm, she was just suddenly a little angry, why did the mask take off.

If he didn't pick it, Zuo Hua wouldn't stare into a pair of unfamiliar eyes, so if he didn't look, nothing would happen. However, Lin Yu took off the mask, and he did not wear a mask, obviously, he just wanted her to recognize her.

Zuo Hua was still nervous, looking calm on the surface, but he was so nervous that he didn't spit out a word. Lin Yu didn't say anything either, just looked at her, and then reached out and touched her head. Zuo Hua wanted to hide, but his feet were nailed like nails in place. She had thought about the possibility of reuniting with Lin Yu many times, and the time and place had been assumed, but not once had she thought that it could really be realized. Now, Lin Yu was in front of her, and she was still like a dream.

The past time has changed a lot of things, for Lin Yu, Zuo Hua's mind is still the boy who suddenly squatted down in the corridor of the school to tie his shoelaces, the purpose is to suddenly stand up when she walks over, and make a cross-cutting with her eyes. That time, her face was red all the way to her neck. From that day on, Lin Yu lived firmly in her heart.

The first poem zuo wrote for Lin Yuyang was: Your eyes are the notice on the wall \ I pretend to be a blind person \ My gaze is staged behind you \ In fact, I really want you to turn back \ Brilliant starlight heart \ Just go to accompany the white cloud \ Stand between the clouds to peep \ Shame is not ashamed is my love.

From that day on, for the next two years, Zuo Hua wrote every day, and every detail was the poem in her heart. She liked him desperately, but she didn't dare let him see it. He talked to her, and she spoke less and he spoke more. He said she listened, and they just ended their high school life like that. It turned out that it was okay to continue, he said, and it was better to go to a school in the future. Because of this, she was sad for a long time. He studied well, she only had good composition. However, they were still together until Ji Min'er appeared.

Ji Min'er, Ji Min'er. After Zuo Hua saw Lin Yu, his mind was full of Ji Min'er, and this girl who had transferred from the last semester of high school also inserted herself into the middle of her and Lin Yuyang. The bold Ji Min'er said what she wanted to say, did what she wanted to do, one was one, two was two, literally, she threatened to like Lin Yuyang, she clearly liked, in Zuo Hua had not yet woken up from surprise, high school was over, and then Lin Yuyang and Ji Min'er flew with wings. For a long time, she was in a state of confusion. It took a long time for her to come out of that state. With tears, as if the tears didn't solve anything.

Now that I saw Lin Yu, it seemed that I didn't need to explain. The time has come, and it's all good. The world needs to be so hysterical, otherwise it is against the original intention of love.

Zuo Hua gradually calmed down, sent his cousin into the ward, and greeted his uncle and aunt, because Lin Yu had been following, and his aunt saw the clue and let Zuo Hua leave first. Zuo Hua left, and Lin Yu followed. After the two of them went one after the other, Zuo Hua stopped at the exit of the hall. Without waiting for Zuo Hua to speak, Lin Yu said directly, it was exactly noon, let's go out to dinner. You're waiting for me here, and I'm going to get my clothes. Be sure to wait for me. After saying that, without waiting for Zuo Hua to open his mouth, he turned around and ran.

Zuo Hua looked at Lin Yu's back, just like going to school, jumping and jumping, but it was a big circle, and his body was not like a student, he was strong. Zuo Hua had two thoughts in his mind, one was to go and the other was to stay. In the end, she obeyed her own feet like nails.

Lin Yu was really fast, blowing back like a whirlwind. Lin Yu drove, and they went to the small shop next to the sample. During the holidays, there are few customers in the store. Entering the small shop, Zuo Hua's tears instantly poured out. The shop is still the same shop, the old table, the old chair, as if there is no change, the owner is still the original, just a little older. The shopkeeper seemed to recognize them, but did not seem to recognize them. Zuo Hua went straight to the window position, and Lin Yu followed.

The owner asked what to eat. Zuo Hua and Lin Yu spoke in unison: spicy potato flour, put more hemp and spicy. The owner smiled and seemed to be the old patron. Zuo Hua kept wiping his eyes, and Lin Yang smiled. One bowl after another, eating hot, even exaggerated. It's just a bowl of noodles, and no matter how delicious it is, it won't be eaten like that. Two people are like a small couple, reunited after a long time, like a war of words, you say a word to me, and you are insincere.

After eating and leaving, Lin Hua got into the car. In the car, the hustle and bustle of the two people in the small shop disappeared in an instant. Lin Yu drove, and Zuo Hua looked out the window. At the entrance of the hospital, Zuo Hua lied that he would go to see his cousin again, got out of the car, and told Zuo Hua that she would not go to the hospital. Lin Yu wanted to send her, Zuo Hua waved his hand, turned and left. Leaving a dazed Lin Yu at the hospital gate. Zuo Hua crossed to the opposite side of the street and turned back. Across a road, Zuo Hua looked at Lin Yu, and tears poured out in an instant. Then turn around and stride away. 、

Zuo Hua said over and over again in his heart, just eat a meal.

From that day on, every time Zuo Hua went to the hospital to visit his cousin, he would meet Lin Yu. Lin Yu's eyes were like growing in the monitoring room, she came, he appeared. She came every time at noon, and every time they went to eat spicy powder. Every time it was a window seat. The boss once said that students love to eat this, and you are still so nostalgic.

Lin Yu said, yes, that is, we are nostalgic. Zuo Hua couldn't hold on to these two words, and the powder that day was a little depressed. After that, his cousin was discharged from the hospital, and Zuo Hua and Lin Yu broke off contact. Zuo Hua did not answer strange calls from his mobile phone. Lin Yu called directly, and she kept refusing to answer. Zuo Hua had a thought of going round in his heart, a youth, like now, eating a meal is enough.

Zuo Hua could feel that Lin Yu, who had eaten with her, was really only eating with her, no one else appeared in any way, no Ji Min'er, no one who might appear after separation, only her and Lin Yu. That's enough. She did not question Lin Yu, did not inquire, she said goodbye to the Lin Yu in her heart early, goodbye again, it was just a new round of breakup.

Destined, Zuo Hua has been telling herself that she and Lin Yu are destined to just eat spicy powder in that shop, and there are thousands of foods in the world, and they stop at that bowl of spicy powder. Later, Lin Yu ended two years of assignment and returned to the provincial capital. They went to eat the spicy powder again. Both people understand that nothing will change, and each goes back to his own life, as usual. When the two people separated, Lin Yu said to Zuo Hua, thank you, my past. Zuo Hua said that my youth is a bowl of spicy powder, delicious, can not eat more.

Novel: My youth is a bowl of spicy powder

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