
The ideological value of Mo Yan's novel is like "chicken ribs", and letting children read it will lead them astray!

author:Good luck accompanies you

Hey, old guys, let's talk about the writer who was once a smash hit, but the controversy is constantly being controversing-Mo Yan. His novels, as we all know, are like a piece of chicken ribs on the table, tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to abandon them. No, some people have raised the question, will it be like going down the wrong path and going astray if children read such works?

The ideological value of Mo Yan's novel is like "chicken ribs", and letting children read it will lead them astray!

First of all, we have to admit that Mo Yan's words have his unique charm, like a sharp knife, which can prick our nerves and reveal the truth of life. Under the aura of the Nobel Prize, his story has indeed attracted a lot of attention. However, this does not mean that his mind is a panacea for children's growth. After all, every child is a future owner, and what they need is sunshine, positivity, and positivity.

The ideological value of Mo Yan's novel is like "chicken ribs", and letting children read it will lead them astray!

Let's take a look at those famous sayings that are deeply rooted in people's hearts, such as Haruki Murakami, once said: "True art is to make people feel warm after reading." And some of Mo Yan's works, although they reveal the dark side of society, may not allow children to find that warmth. Their world is too simple to bear the reality of being too heavy.

The ideological value of Mo Yan's novel is like "chicken ribs", and letting children read it will lead them astray!

Education is like guiding children into the garden of knowledge, what we need is a book that can instinctively inspire thinking and inspire kindness. Mo Yan's novels may allow them to see the diversity of the world, but too much of the dark side may cause them to lose faith in the future or take on responsibilities that do not belong to them prematurely.

The ideological value of Mo Yan's novel is like "chicken ribs", and letting children read it will lead them astray!

Of course, this is not to say that we should completely block Mo Yan's works, but to guide children to contact them at an appropriate age, and to understand and digest them from the perspective of adults. After all, on the road to growth, we need to learn to appreciate beauty and know how to face ugliness, but this is by no means achieved overnight.

The ideological value of Mo Yan's novel is like "chicken ribs", and letting children read it will lead them astray!

Therefore, our older generation of parents may wish to guide their children in a more intelligent way, so that they can find themselves in the fragrance of books, instead of blindly pursuing excitement. Remember, education is not cramming, it is sowing hope. Letting children run in the sun is what we want to see the most.

The ideological value of Mo Yan's novel is like "chicken ribs", and letting children read it will lead them astray!

Finally, I would like to say that Mo Yan's novels are like a mirror that reflects the complexity of life. But we can't ignore that behind the mirror, we also need to prepare a bright window for the children to see the beauty of the world. After all, life is not just about chicken ribs, but also poetry and distance.

That's my opinion today, if you agree with me, don't forget to like it and forward it to more friends. After all, education is a big deal, and let's work together to check for our children's future.

The ideological value of Mo Yan's novel is like "chicken ribs", and letting children read it will lead them astray!

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