
If you can do that, maybe you can really "reverse growth"

author:Bright Net

Can we really "reverse growth"? Research has found that doing this well may really change the aging process!

In December 2021, researchers at the University of Arkansas in the United States published a study in the journal Aging Cell found that even if you don't start exercising until old age, you can slow down aging!

Exercise was found to reduce age-related methylation transitions, reduce epigenetic aging of skeletal muscle, and reverse 8% epigenetic age of mouse muscles.

If you can do that, maybe you can really "reverse growth"

The researchers used older mice that were near the end of their natural lifespan, trained from 22-24 months of age, and then assessed how exercise affected epigenetic aging of skeletal muscle.

They had the elderly mice run 6-8 kilometers a day at the fastest speed for 2 months, after which the analysis found that the epigenetic age of the exercised elderly mice was 8 weeks younger than the mice of the same age who did not exercise. ①②

People who insist on exercising

It does look younger

Careful observation is not difficult to find that many people who can still insist on exercising in their later years, whether they are energetic or physical, must look younger.

1. Model Wang Deshun: Handsome catwalk in his 70s

In 2015, a photo of a "white-haired catwalk" went viral all over the Internet, when the protagonist wang Deshun in the photo was 79 years old.

If you can do that, maybe you can really "reverse growth"

He once said in a media interview that he would insist on fitness for 2-3 hours a day. The reason for the exercise is because the 50-year-old mime needs to use physical performance, so he slowly trained his muscles.

If you can do that, maybe you can really "reverse growth"

Or maybe it's because of fitness, so that he has more energy, 80 years old to learn to DJ, 82 years old also went to Houhai to play skating with young people.

2. Internet celebrity grandmother Bai Jinqin: Still elegant and upright in her 70s

In 2016, the hot spot of "fitness for 71-year-olds" was once concerned by everyone. The grandmother, named Bai Jinqin, began to work out in 2005 and has been insisting on it for 15 years now, and the 70-year-old man has practiced Pilates, trampolines, rowing machines, and battle ropes without losing to young people.

If you can do that, maybe you can really "reverse growth"

However, Bai Jinqin underwent 3 hospitalizations in her 40s. After her physical recovery, she realized that health is the greatest asset in life and realized the importance of fitness exercise. Now her physical indicators are normal, and her abundant physical strength makes her daily life at ease.

She said in a 2019 Xinhua interview that "we can't stop aging, but we can slow down the rate of aging through exercise." Instead of spending money on medical treatment and medicine, it is better to put money on fitness. ”③

If you can do that, maybe you can really "reverse growth"

I have to say that many people only start exercising after experiencing disease troubles in middle-aged and elderly people, and the result is that they have gained health and youth.

Exercise is the cheapest and most reliable

"Reverse growth" way!

1. Fights vascular aging

A 2020 study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that running for just 6 months made blood vessels 4 years younger, and that older people benefited relatively more from running training.

The study, which involved ordinary people who had no previous running experience, underwent a 6-month training session and showed a significant reduction in their blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, equivalent to a four-year reduction in the age of their blood vessels. ④

2. Slow down skin aging

Skin changes are the most direct reflection of the body's aging, while exercise helps to improve the skin texture.

Song Ping, chief physician of the Department of Dermatology at Guang'anmen Hospital of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, said in a 2018 article in the Health Times that regular participation in physical activity can promote microcirculation and increase the skin's ability to inhale oxygen. In addition, often participate in sports, the sebaceous glands and sweat glands in the skin secrete vigorously, which is conducive to the discharge of waste products in the skin and makes the skin smoother. ⑤

3. Slow down muscle loss

Muscles decrease with age, and when people get old, their flesh is always loose and crumbling, and their walking is trembling, but exercise can slow down this process. Yan Feng, a resident physician of the Department of Nutrition of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, reminded in 2016 in a health newspaper that resistance movements such as sitting leg lifting, static squat against the wall, lifting dumbbells, and pulling elastic bands can effectively improve muscle strength and body function.

4. Slow down cardiopulmonary aging

Wang Weiming, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, said in a health newspaper article in 2019 that some young men climb stairs breathlessly, some elderly people are full of energy all day long, the difference is in cardiopulmonary endurance, which is a person's ability to continue to carry out physical activities, which is closely related to your quality of life. The method of improving cardiopulmonary endurance is recommended for aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, aerobics, swimming, etc. ⑦

5. Delay brain aging

A study by Boston University School of Medicine in the United States found that even low-intensity exercise can have a significant impact on expanding brain volume and delaying brain aging. Compared to those who walked less than 5,000 steps a day, 5,000-7,499 steps, 7,500-9,999 steps, 10,000 steps or more per day amounted to 0.45, 1.45, and 1.75 years of delaying brain aging, respectively. ⑧

Science Movement Remember These 3 Points!

1. Exercise should be persistent

Compared with not exercising, it is good to be able to move. But if you want to achieve the maximum benefit, the word "regular" is indispensable.

It is recommended to achieve 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week for more than 30 minutes each time. And with impedance, stretching and other movements.

Why talk about persistent regular movement?

Because in terms of exercise to lower blood lipids, Ma Changsheng, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, said in an interview with the Beijing Times in 2011 that in addition to achieving a certain exercise intensity, it is necessary to persist in order to achieve results, and the exercise method of "three days of fishing and two days of drying nets" is not only not conducive to lowering blood lipids, but also may aggravate blood lipid abnormalities. ⑨

2. Exercise should be mixed and done

Don't limit yourself to one type of sport, mixed sports not only enhance fun but also reduce injuries. ⑩



It can enhance breathing and heart rate, and is beneficial to the health of the heart, lungs and circulatory system. For example, walking or jogging, dancing, etc.



Strengthens muscles and makes you stronger. For example, lifting weights, using resistance bands, using self-weight (pull-ups), etc.


Prevents falls. For example, standing on one foot, tiptoeing, tai chi, etc.


Stretching muscles helps your body to be softer and more agile, making you more mobile in your daily activities. For example, calf stretching, yoga, etc.

3. Exercise to choose the right one for yourself

1) Selected in combination with age:

Li Qingwen, a professor at the School of Social Sports and Health Sciences of Tianjin University of Physical Education, said in 2019 on the WeChat of Health Times that the flexibility, coordination, and endurance of each organ are different at different ages, so each age group has a different "golden exercise program". ⑪

18-25 years old


Body function is at its peak, with optimal levels of heart rhythm, lung capacity, bone sensitivity, stability and elasticity.

People in this age group can carry out high-intensity exercise, cultivate exercise habits, improve the overall quality of the body, and lay a solid foundation for physical health.

It is recommended to train three times a week, preferably combining aerobics and strength training, such as aerobics, yoga combined with pushing, etc.

26-45 years old

Fattening period

During the critical period of life and career development, many people neglect to exercise, and the incidence of obesity has become high.

Men should still pay attention to the training of muscle strength, such as pushing, but to control the intensity, do not force themselves too much; during this time, women should also properly carry out low- and medium-intensity aerobic training plus strength exercises, such as yoga, jogging, swimming, etc.

46-65 years old

Aging period

Physical strength and muscle mass began to decline, exercise is mainly to fight osteoporosis, muscle relaxation, to be safe, simple as the principle.

Walking is recommended to improve blood circulation and reduce body fat rate, and strength exercises such as squatting and lifting dumbbells are recommended to enhance or maintain muscle strength.

After the age of 65

old age

After the age of 65, physical function is at a low level, and this stage is mainly to improve the quality of life, prevent falls, and improve cardiopulmonary function.

It is recommended to do gentle aerobic exercise, and with the right amount of strength to train strong muscles, strengthen bones, and pay attention to the balance of diet, appropriate supplementation of high-quality protein, calcium and other nutrients.

2) Combined body shape selection:

Huang Tiequn, chief physician of the Cadre Health Department of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, shared in 2015 in the Health Times that he can choose some sports that suit him according to his body shape. ⑫

Relatively thin, weak physical resistance exercises should focus on small load of strength training, such as training the upper limbs can lift barbells, training lower limbs can do half-squats. Normal weight, but the buttocks, abdomen fat, shaped like an apple should pay attention to exercise balance and coordination, can practice jumping exercises, square dance and so on. Fat and weak physique should put weight loss in the first place, exercise to train endurance, such as cycling, jogging, brisk walking, swimming and so on. Strong physique, excessive weight During exercise, it will add a burden to the knee joint. More endurance training should be done, and more jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. should be done.

3) Selected in combination with diseases:

Many middle-aged and elderly people have joint, cardiovascular and other problems, but it does not mean that they cannot exercise, but scientific exercise helps to improve physical discomfort.

People with not very good joints

Osteoarthritis patients can perform gentle muscle exercises and endurance exercises such as swimming, cycling, and equipment training under the guidance of a fitness instructor without aggravating pain and injury.

Note: Patients with acute osteoarthritis and joint swelling need to limit activity. ⑬

People with bad hearts

Patients with coronary heart disease must exercise step by step, and sports can choose jogging, cycling, swimming, walking, tai chi and so on. ⑭

A study published by Ding Rongjing and others in Peking University People's Hospital in 2021 suggested that simplifying Yang's Taijiquan can be used as an effective exercise rehabilitation method for patients with stable cardiovascular diseases, especially the elderly, frail, poor cardiopulmonary function, and low body endurance. The study found that simplifying Yang's Tai Chi did not significantly increase the heart rate and myocardial contractility of patients with stable cardiovascular disease, and the effect on improving oxygen uptake was similar to that of brisk walking exercise. ⑮

If you insist on seeing this, start exercising today!

This article is synthesized from:

① Murach K A , Dimet-Wiley A L , Wen Y , et al. Late-life exercise mitigates skeletal muscle epigenetic aging[J]. Aging Cell.

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④ Bhuva A N , D'Silva A , Torlasco C, et al. Training for a First-Time Marathon Reverses Age-Related Aortic Stiffening[J]. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2020, 75(1):60-71.

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Source: Health Times

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