
Patients with high blood pressure, after taking antihypertensive drugs, or have these 4 side effects, need to be aware

The clinical use of antihypertensive drugs is very high, because the number of people with high blood pressure in China is as high as 300 million.

Many of these 300 million people need to take antihypertensive drugs to stabilize blood pressure, and even need to take antihypertensive drugs for life to survive with the disease.

When taking these antihypertensive drugs for a long time, many patients are careful and cautious, worried that their bodies are harmed by drugs.

Patients with high blood pressure, after taking antihypertensive drugs, or have these 4 side effects, need to be aware

"It is a three-point poison of medicine", especially long-term medication, which is more likely to lead to the aggravation of poisoning of the human body.

As a drug that controls blood pressure, long-term intake can help patients maintain blood pressure stability, but it will also have a certain impact on the stomach, liver and kidneys.

Therefore, it is reasonable for patients with high blood pressure to have the following 4 side effects in their bodies after taking antihypertensive drugs.

Patients with high blood pressure, after taking antihypertensive drugs, or have these 4 side effects, need to be aware

1. Dry cough. Some patients with high blood pressure will occasionally cough after taking antihypertensive drugs, because the ingredients contained in some antihypertensive drugs may make patients feel dry throat, so they will occasionally cough once or twice.

Sputum does not appear when coughing, nor is it too frequent. To improve this situation, patients with high blood pressure can increase the amount of water they drink in moderation to moisturize the throat area and reduce the symptoms of dry cough.

Patients with high blood pressure, after taking antihypertensive drugs, or have these 4 side effects, need to be aware

2. Dizziness. If patients with hypertension feel dizzy after taking antihypertensive drugs, it may be because when the antihypertensive drugs exert their effects, the drug is too strong, resulting in a rapid decrease in blood pressure in a short period of time, resulting in hypotension.

If you are only mildly dizzy, you usually need to rest for a while to get better. If the symptoms of dizziness are more obvious and occur frequently, you should consult a doctor in the hospital and ask the doctor to adjust the type of drug or reduce the amount of medicine.

Patients with high blood pressure, after taking antihypertensive drugs, or have these 4 side effects, need to be aware

3. Constipation. After some antihypertensive drugs enter the human body, they may cause the metabolism rate of the intestine to accelerate, so that a large amount of water in the intestine is lost, so that the stool becomes dry, causing frequent constipation in patients.

In order to improve this situation, patients with hypertension should drink more water and often eat fruits and vegetables to moisturize the intestines, make the intestines better peristalsis, and reduce the incidence of constipation.

Patients with high blood pressure, after taking antihypertensive drugs, or have these 4 side effects, need to be aware

4. Physical weakness. Clinically, there are some antihypertensive drugs have a diuretic effect, people may cause potassium, sodium and other elements to lose after eating, so that people feel that the body is weak, and some patients may fall to the ground when they are suddenly active.

After this situation occurs, everyone needs to strengthen their diet and pay attention to rest.

If the symptoms of physical discomfort are more obvious, it is also necessary to go to the hospital in time to ask a doctor to adjust the type and dosage of the drug to prevent unnecessary accidents and physical discomfort.

Patients with high blood pressure, after taking antihypertensive drugs, or have these 4 side effects, need to be aware

Long-term use of antihypertensive drugs may cause the body to have the above four side effects, as long as the body can bear the range, patients do not need to be overly nervous.

Patients must not change the type or dose of drugs without authorization because of physical discomfort, and they must not stop the drugs without authorization, so as to avoid more serious chronic damage to the body after blood pressure fluctuations.

If you are really unwell because of side effects, you should go to the hospital in time, tell the doctor of your situation truthfully, ask the doctor to make corresponding adjustments according to your own situation, and the patients themselves should also pay attention to a light diet, combine work and leisure, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, and sleep on time, so that blood pressure is kept within the normal range for a long time.

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