
International Olympic Committee: The number of spectators Chinese mainland the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics is the same as the number of people in Pyeongchang worldwide

International Olympic Committee: The number of spectators Chinese mainland the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics is the same as the number of people in Pyeongchang worldwide

Beijing, 6 Feb (Xinhua) -- International Olympic Committee spokesman Mark Adams revealed at a press conference on 6 February that the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics was watched by about 316 million people Chinese mainland, which is roughly equivalent to the global viewing of the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

At the same time, Adams said that the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) conducted a 190-minute live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and the number of viewers is still being counted; in addition, Australian rights holders said that their live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics has increased by 331% compared with the previous session. (End)

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