
After suffering from gallstones, the diet should pay attention to these 7 points, so as not to affect the recovery of the disease, need to understand

Gallstones occur mainly in adults, more women than men, and their incidence increases with age after the age of 40.

Stones are generally cholesterol stones or a mixture of cholesterol and melanin stones, most patients are asymptomatic and can only be found during physical examinations, surgeries and autopsies, so they are called static gallstones.

The typical symptoms of gallstones in a small number of patients are biliary pain, manifested by acute or chronic cholecystitis, so after the diagnosis of gallstones, there are many precautions in diet, and the following is to understand the 6 contraindications.

After suffering from gallstones, the diet should pay attention to these 7 points, so as not to affect the recovery of the disease, need to understand

First, unclean food

Before eating fruit, it is necessary to wash it clean, because eating unclean fruits can easily lead to roundworms entering the human body. In addition, you should also eat less fried foods, such as fried bananas and potato chips, and these unhealthy foods should be eaten less.

In daily life, there are many unclean foods, especially in the summer, it is easy to have moldy food, if you eat not only will lead to gallstones, but also induce gastrointestinal diseases.

After suffering from gallstones, the diet should pay attention to these 7 points, so as not to affect the recovery of the disease, need to understand

Second, overeating

Overeating is contraindicated in patients with gallstones, as this promotes the secretion of large amounts of bile, which can lead to inflammation of the gallbladder, partial pain, etc.

And patients with gallstones can not smoke and drink coffee, because this can lead to excessive stomach acid, bile sphincter spasms and difficulty secreting bile.

After early diagnosis of the disease, it is best to focus on a small number of meals, and it is necessary to eat light and digestible foods for a period of time during treatment.

After suffering from gallstones, the diet should pay attention to these 7 points, so as not to affect the recovery of the disease, need to understand

Third, high-cholesterol foods

Patients with gallstones should not eat foods with high cholesterol, such as animal hearts, livers, brains, intestines, egg yolks, pine blossom eggs, roe, chocolate, etc. Because too much cholesterol increases gallbladder stones, it is very detrimental to the recovery of the disease.

Fourth, do not eat foods with high sugar content

Patients with hepatobiliary stones need to control the sugar content in the body, because when the sugar content is too high, it will put pressure on the liver, after all, the liver is an important organ for glycogen decomposition. In addition, excessive consumption of foods with too much sugar can also increase body fat, leading to obesity.

After suffering from gallstones, the diet should pay attention to these 7 points, so as not to affect the recovery of the disease, need to understand

Fifth, do not drink alcoholic beverages

People with gallstones cannot drink alcohol, even fruit wine, because alcohol can cause damage to the body, which affects the detoxification speed of the liver. Therefore, it is best for gallstone patients to quit drinking, which may be difficult for people who drink alcohol regularly, but everyone should know that physical health is more important than drinking alcohol.

Sixth, do not eat spicy food

Spicy foods can also affect bile and gallbladder, so it is necessary to avoid eating ginger, onion, garlic, pepper and other condiments, especially during the treatment period, it is best to focus on a light diet, so as to help the disease return to normal faster.

After suffering from gallstones, the diet should pay attention to these 7 points, so as not to affect the recovery of the disease, need to understand

According to the above introduction, gallstone patients have many precautions to understand, especially in terms of diet, and those foods that cannot be eaten must be paid attention to.

In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the small details in daily life, develop healthy and reasonable living habits, especially do not stay up late, because staying up late for a long time will lead to metabolic disorders in the body, and the burden of the gallbladder is too heavy, thus affecting disease recovery.

Only by paying more attention to these two aspects and actively cooperating with doctors for treatment can the condition be effectively controlled.

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