
Pan Jinlian just wants to change her destiny, is she doing something wrong?

author:Xiao Qiu's world

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Pan Jinlian just wants to change her destiny, is she doing something wrong?

Image from "Wusong Blood Splash Lion Building"

In the movie "Wu Song Blood Splash lion building", Pan Jinlian hooked up with Ximen Qing, killed Wu Dalang and was found by Wu Song, in the face of Wu Song's persecution, she said instead: "I just want to change my fate, am I wrong?" ”

Everyone in the world scolds Pan Jinlian as a beautiful and fierce woman, but no one knows the bitterness in her heart, and in traditional Chinese moral concepts, few people sympathize with her plight.

But she wants to change her destiny, is it the right thing to do?

Everyone knows that Pan Jinlian and Wu Dalang are married and on leave, even if Wu Dalang was born ugly. In order to change her fate, she hooked up with Ximen Qing to become a traitor, so isn't this cheating?

After the matter was exposed, Wu Da was not able to catch the adulteress and was kicked and injured by Ximen, and finally poisoned.

Are you still not aware that you are wrong?

Here, there is not much to discuss the question of Pan Jinlian's right and wrong, and the judgment of history is well known. Let's talk about the things that change fate by marriage.

Pan Jinlian just wants to change her destiny, is she doing something wrong?

Changing one's destiny by marrying looks like a patent for ancient women. China has experienced thousands of years of patriarchal society, with male outside and female inside. If a woman marries a good person, then she can live in peace. If not, a lifetime can be miserable.

The Biography of Lü Buwei records: "Lü Buwei took the Handan Zhuji who was a good dancer and a dweller, and knew that he had a body. Zi Chu never drank, saw and said (Yue) Zhi, because of the life, please. Lü Buwei was angry, nianye had broken up the family as a son, and wanted to fish for qi, so he sacrificed his wife. Ji hid herself, and when she reached the age of majority, she gave birth to a son, Zheng, and Zi Chu made Ji a lady. ”

Zhao Ji, typically changed her fate by remarrying.

Pan Jinlian just wants to change her destiny, is she doing something wrong?

Image from the web

Given to others by Lü Buwei, first her gentleness and generosity made the stranger who had already been the King of Qin very moved, and she was quickly crowned as a lady, and then because her son was deeply impressed by the heart of the King of Qin, she finally ascended the throne, and she became empress dowager of Qin.

But from a maihime to become the empress dowager of the Great Qin, through marriage, the trajectory of life is very different, and a different legend has been written in history.

As everyone knows, in the era of power struggles, there is no point in how to occupy a place in the harem.

It seems that she is married well, but in fact, Zhao Ji knows how to read people's hearts, does not cry or make trouble at the beginning, says that it is better to listen, and has a deep understanding of the imperial heart.

However, it is precisely because of marrying the emperor that the center of the power struggle ended his life tragically. Imagine if he married a commoner? What is the direction of fate?

Pan Jinlian just wants to change her destiny, is she doing something wrong?

Marry well, live well? What about marrying badly?

Xu Zhimo, as we all know, is noted as a modern poet and essayist. Do you know Zhang Youyi?

Xu Zhimo and Zhang Youyi are a marriage arranged by their parents, which is unacceptable to Xu Zhimo, who advocates freedom of marriage. Therefore, subconsciously, he thought that the people arranged by the family did not understand him, could not understand him, did not deserve him, and once said in a disgusted tone: "The country buns!"

However, Zhang was a woman with advanced education at that time, and she was born into a famous family, and she was a bridesmaid, but she still did not enter Xu Zhimo's eyes.

He had two sons with Xu Zhimo, but they were divorced. In the Republic of China, divorce can be imagined to be a sensation.

Pan Jinlian just wants to change her destiny, is she doing something wrong?

If marriage can change a person's fate, then it is indeed true for Zhang Youyi.

If you are not married to Xu Zhimo, or abandoned, then there may be one less great female representative in history and one more virtuous wife and mother.

Zhang Youyi, who left Xu, chose to go to Germany for further study, which opened a big difference in life.

In that era, she was well known in the financial world.

She became China's first female banker. From the president of a fashion company to the vice president of a bank, her life trajectory is made up of one legend after another.

She said to her niece Zhang Bangmei: "I want to thank Xu Zhimo for the divorce." If it weren't for divorce, I probably would never have been able to find myself and grow. He freed me and became another person. ”

Marriage can change a person's fate, but it is not!

You say, is it really important to marry well? In fact, life has always been completed by itself!

Pan Jinlian just wants to change her destiny, is she doing something wrong?

Well done, better married!

Back in modern times, many short videos will flaunt this sentence openly and covertly. This seems to mean that if women want to be happy, they should marry a good husband.

But can a good husband really make you worry-free for a lifetime and struggle for several years less?

Colleague Xiaoye, in line with the principle that it is better to study well than to marry well, married his classmate as soon as he graduated from college.

In the years of other people's graduation struggle, she gave birth to two children in succession, making up a good word.

During the time when others were trying to improve their professional knowledge and skills, she took the baby with the baby, circled around the child, and devoted herself to the family.

The husband chose the right one, the potential stock exploded, his life improved, and he felt that he was married to the right person. However, as her husband's career continues to rise, there are fewer and fewer common topics with her husband.

Pan Jinlian just wants to change her destiny, is she doing something wrong?

Once she thought that a good husband, she had already built another love nest outside.

In desperation, Xiaoye had to come out to work to earn money. She still dare not divorce, because she feels that she cannot afford to raise children, and he, full of earning ability, at least can give children a good living environment.

It's a little sad, but it's good that life still has to go on.

Xiaoye is working hard to improve herself, is actively fighting against life, and is actively fighting for her legitimate rights and interests. If you marry well, you must also follow the promotion, if not, the possibility of gradually drifting away is not small.

There's no denying that marriage can change destiny.

But how to change the fate, the key is still in the self.

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