
These three constellations are the easiest to hit, learn to pluck easily, and see if there is you

Boys and girls have different views on love, boys will see love as a game of hunting, they need to use a variety of routines to capture their favorite girls; and girls will think that love is a carnival journey of the soul, and the fate in the dark can make two people feel sorry for each other, closer and closer. Girls see love too beautifully, and wholeheartedly into it, but often love also brings them full of scars, girls are always stupid to fall into the love trap, unable to extricate themselves, willing to fall.

Nowadays, love needs a deeper way to control. Many simple girls, can't help the repeated plucking of boys to blindly fall into love, do not know, often anti-guest-oriented, in order to become the victor in love. Therefore, girls should no longer doubt about love, and control the initiative of love to provoke boys, in order to better manage emotions. Then today I will share exclusive dry goods with my friends! Teach you to be a high-ranking anti-3 star man and easily gain the initiative


Aries boys are more childish, they are positive and cynical, and their lively and cheerful personalities always attract the attention of girls. If you want to provoke them, then girls must accept their childishness and become their girlfriends in life, if you can be more open than Aries, enjoy life, and show a humorous personality in the chat, which can not only completely stir the heart of Aries, but also let them obediently accompany you.


Taurus men are born with a mature and stable personality, which always gives people a sense of steadfastness, but the state of treating feelings Taurus is too slow and hot, which will also make people impatient. Therefore, if you want to regurgitate the Taurus man, the girls must learn to slow down the rhythm, know how to master the law of time, show their image in life bit by bit, constantly attract the attention of the Taurus man, and make a love bento for them from time to time, so that they fall under the gentleness, and naturally they will firmly grasp the heart of the Taurus man.


Gemini boys have a personality like the wind, they like to live freely, waving their sleeves and not taking away the clouds. Therefore, when in love, the more they want to grab each other's hearts, the more they resist. If you want to provoke a Gemini man, you must learn to keep fresh, don't stick to him all the time, constantly enrich yourself, show your most attractive side, so that Gemini can't help but want to understand your life, Gemini man will take the initiative to throw himself into your arms, looking forward to your emotional life.

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