
U.S. media column data: James's final loss data is better than Jordan's three championship wins!

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U.S. media column data: James's final loss data is better than Jordan's three championship wins!

On February 3, the Lakers played against the Trail Blazers. James was identified by head coach Vogel before the game: continue injury time. After James finished playing against the Nets, he got up the next day and felt pain in his knees, and he has been absent since then. James has been injured for a while early in the season, which has led to the Lakers' win rate being very bad in the same period. Now James is injured again, and the Lakers are in a losing streak.

That's the value of James, who can qualitatively transform any team. According to the report on February 3, some American media listed the data, comparing James and Jordan: the data of James's loss in the Finals is better than Jordan's three championships! On the same day, Jordan's early nemesis Thomas also praised James, saying that James led the team to the finals in the fourth grade, which was very special!

American media Hops updated social media on February 3, posting a comparison of James's three finals losses in his second Cavaliers career and Jordan's second triple crown. James lost the Finals in 2015, 2017 and 2018, but he averaged 34.6 points, 11.6 rebounds and 9.5 assists per game and shot 51.4 percent from the field. Jordan, who won three consecutive championships from 1996 to 1998, averaged 31.1 points, 5.6 rebounds and 4.2 assists from the field from 45.4 percent.

This shows that James's performance is no less than that of Jordan at the peak, and the difference is that the opponent he encounters is far stronger than Jordan's final opponent. Even loyal Jordan supporters, "American Yang Yi" Stephen A. Smith said Jordan's Finals opponents were inferior to James. Indeed, when it comes to Durant and Curry's Dynasty Warriors, as well as their own Irving and Love season reimbursement, Jordan is not ok.

In addition, James's four-year Finals during his second Cavaliers career were basically the strongest personal performances in the Finals in history. In 2015, James averaged 35.8 points, 13.2 rebounds, 8.8 assists and 1.3 steals per game in the Finals. In 2016, James ranked first among the two teams in five statistics. In 2017, James averaged more than 30 points and triple-doubles in the Finals. In 2018, James scored 51 points, 8 rebounds and 8 assists in his first game, playing Warriors head coach Kerr frankly after the game: James and Jordan are the strongest players he has ever seen. The Warriors staff also acknowledged that James' game was the greatest personal heroism they've ever seen firsthand.

After the U.S. media listed data to compare James and Jordan in the Finals, on the same day, February 3, Jordan's early nemesis Thomas also praised James. Thomas said: I am too surprised how James's knowledge was obtained. Jordan had Dean Smith and Phil Jackson to carry, and I had Chuck Daly. What about James? Fourth grade 22-year-old single core team finals! You wouldn't think he was relying on Gibson, would you? James (and Jordan) are completely different and very special.

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