
Why are sports stars addicted to gambling?

It's no secret that sports superstars, many of whom are good gamblers.

Jordan is known for his good gambling, and he was willing to gamble and lose long before he became famous: when he was a student, there were countless gambling stories; Entering the NBA, I am even more happy. In the summer of 1992, he followed Yumeichi to the Olympics in the gambling resort of Monaco. At that time, he pulled Magic, Ewing, Pippen and Barkley to play late-night poker, and his teammates complained: he bet too much.

In 1993, Jordan was involved in two things, one was that a habitual offender had a check written by Jordan to him for fifty-seven thousand; The second was the most tense moment on his road to the three-in-a-row championship, going to Atlantic City to gamble: the Bulls were playing the New York Knicks at that time, so the New York media naturally added fuel and vinegar.

Why are sports stars addicted to gambling?

Mayweather loves to gamble, and publicly shows off that he loves to gamble, and he gambles on everything, especially games: in 2013, the Miami Heat played the Eastern Conference Finals with the Indiana Pacers, he bet 5.9 million and won; In 2014, he bet on the Denver Broncos to win the Super Bowl, placed a $15 million bet, and lost.

He is rumored to have lost £40 million in gambling debts alone in 2018:

Really Hoho.

Jordan himself once did not admit that he was addicted to gambling, had gambling problems, and at most said that he had "competitive problems". Of course, this is a bit of a sophistry, but it can also be a side of why athletes gamble.

In the last century, the sports circle basically recognized, the top athletes, many have emotional disorders.

One of the most extreme statements:

The competitive nature of ordinary people cannot support the cruel arena; Most of those who can get ahead in sports have an almost perverted competitive spirit; This competitive spirit spills over into everyday life.

They already have a tolerance for adrenaline rushes, and everyday life is too boring for them, so they will be happy to find new stimuli. They win, they lose, and they are preoccupied with happiness.

Yes, happy.

Bai Zhantang, a former famous gambler in Qixia Town, has a famous saying, "Small gambling is pleasant and big gambling hurts the body, don't we just have fun?"

This word "Le" illustrates the psychology of gamblers: what they picture is not necessarily sweet potatoes, dried figs, chai and eggs, but "Le".

Why are sports stars addicted to gambling?

One very interesting thing:

Whether it is good to gamble or not may also be related to athletic personality.

In 1992, when the United States selected members of the Dream Team, he thought about replacing him with a glider Drexler if Jordan did not go. From a technical point of view, some in the committee believe that gliders can do 85% of Jordan's work.

In fact, in the 1992 Finals, it was Jordan who led the Bulls to the Trailblazers of the glider - the Bulls won.

The book "Golden Boys" describes the real difference between Jordan and the glider: not that a glider can do 85% of Jordan's, or even technology, but character.

Philadelphia journalist Bill Lynn described the difference between Jordan and a glider this way:

"The gap between them is not talent, it's character. Jordan's nature is to be in control. He will whip teammates, scold teammates, and humiliate teammates. And glider, his nature is more passive. He will do his part, but also assume that his teammates will follow him as well. ”

USA Today columnist Peter Vesey put it this way:

"The glider should keep the image of Mr. Good until after the finals. You can't beat Jordan while maintaining tolerance and respect. ”

Jordan himself later said:

"When the glider opens with a good touch, I don't worry because he'll start jumping shots and refuse to rush into the basket."

So a glider can be the second in the world - but only second. That's his character. In 1995, he went to Houston to win the championship with his old buddy Big Dream, but he was still the second in charge.

Interestingly, the glider, according to more than one media outlet, described it as "always meaning $20 at the lowest bet."

And Jordan, as mentioned above, is so good at gambling that he can even bet with his teammates that "who will come out first with the checked luggage at the airport", and then buy the little brother at the airport, just to win in this little thing.

In the world of sports, it is indeed paranoid to survive.

So a friend of mine who studies the psychology of sports said:

Outsiders look at those passionate athletes who are good at gambling, and think that gambling is also very good; But it must be realized that many people in the competitive circle themselves have a pathological competitive spirit; They gamble, which is itself a pathological behavior.

Just look at it, don't follow suit.

Why are sports stars addicted to gambling?

Another thing is that Jordan loves to chew gum hard - football fans know that Ferguson loves to chew gum too.

In 2011, St. Lawrence University made a statement:

Chewing this behavior can divert the athlete's attention from nervousness and anxiety, allowing people to calm down quickly. Moreover, chewing gum can speed up the brain's processing of information, which can improve memory and reaction speed.

Therefore, those who love to chew gum are usually too excited, so they have to suppress their excitement and anxiety: when you can't directly bite your opponent, chew gum to relieve it!

Coincidentally, Lord Ferguson himself admitted that he was a gambler who dared to bet when he was in command of the game; Off-site, according to Gillespie, Lord Ferguson also loves to gamble; As for the relationship between Lord Ferguson and gambling horses, it is also well known.

Probably, Lord Fergus, Jordan, Mayweather, and even Jordan's gambling friend Barkley, these competitive and even aggressive personalities, manifested as passionate on the court, are easy to spill over to the table outside the court?

In other words, Lord Ferguson is a gambler, and his former lover Rooney also likes to bet on two.

Why are sports stars addicted to gambling?

Jordan was a gambler, his gamblers were old Barkley, and less Antoine Walker, who had gambled with Jordan for 36 hours straight.

Everyone who watches the game knows that Wayne Rooney, Barkley and Walker, at their peak, were all passionate on the court, but they were not slim.

In essence, these are all hedonistic; They crave happiness and cannot live ascetic lives.

Of course, even if you are fat, your self-control is divided into strong and weak.

Antoine Fathead Walker, the old Celtics fans remember, supported the Celtics with the Pierce twins at their peak. He's well-rounded, literally five positions, averaging 23+9+6 per game at the age of 24 and making 2.7 three-pointers per game — two decades ago, when he played power forward. He has a variety of questions, including but not limited to lazy defense, casual shooting, and the famous "Why do I shoot so many three-pointers?" Because there are no four-pointers," but later went to Miami to win a championship with Wade and the Sharks.

Passionate, casual, adventurous, talented, creative, but not very self-controlled.

111 kilograms when you entered the NBA, but shoulder to shoulder with the sharks in Miami, this is the physique.

Why are sports stars addicted to gambling?

Shortly after retiring from the NBA, he went bankrupt: he took $100 million in wages from the NBA.

How is the money spent?

Gambling is one thing, and in addition, he admits to being a hedonist: buy a car, buy a watch, buy a house. Retired or spent a lot of time.

A 1995 report concluded that retired athletes were particularly vulnerable to gambling:

Their peak days have passed, they get used to excitement and winning, and they have to find the joy of life again.

And once it is a hedonistic personality in itself, without steel self-control, it is especially prone to problems.

In fact, because of the social circle problems of many sports stars, many people have to be late to realize that something is not right. Like Walker squandered $100 million, only to collapse when he found out that he had to sell his mother's house because of debt.

And this is the fate of the vast majority of gamblers:

Superstars who professionally struggle in the winning and losing fields may gamble because of an almost perverted competitive spirit - but if they are stained with gambling, it is basically difficult to end.

Why are sports stars addicted to gambling?

So, in a word:

Don't bet.

As long as you don't gamble, you win from the start.

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