
5 days to the due date, but the pregnant woman has no signs of childbirth? Preventing post-term pregnancies, learn about it

Fang Fang is pregnant and resting at home, and she also encounters a lot of troubles during pregnancy. For example, morning sickness in the first trimester, calf cramps during pregnancy, low back pain and sleeplessness.

Fang Fang's pregnancy was in a thrilling way, and she also survived. But these days, she has something to worry about again. The reason is this, Fangfang's original due date was Sunday this week, and there are still 5 days before now, but there is no sign that a pregnant woman is about to give birth.

Fang Fang is very nervous, often listen to the people around her, after the pregnancy and childbirth, the baby still refuses to come out, which is not good for the baby. Moreover, those who do not give birth after the due date may have a caesarean section, which really disrupts their idea of planning a smooth birth.

5 days to the due date, but the pregnant woman has no signs of childbirth? Preventing post-term pregnancies, learn about it

Many pregnant women think that when it comes to the due date, it is the last moment when the baby stays in the mother's belly, and it will definitely be born. In fact, the expected date of delivery is not the last date of the baby's birth, but the date of safe birth of the baby according to the gestational age.

If the baby has not been born after the pregnancy period, there is a way to call it "expired pregnancy". Fang Fang has solved the problem of a post-term pregnancy. Therefore, she is now worried that when the due date comes, the baby will not be born, and the pregnancy will expire.

5 days to the due date, but the pregnant woman has no signs of childbirth? Preventing post-term pregnancies, learn about it

What exactly is a post-term pregnancy? Let me explain to you the bad aspects of a post-term pregnancy and how to prevent it.

What is a post-term pregnancy

Pregnant women are pregnant in October, that is, from the time they are pregnant, to the tenth month of pregnancy, that is, 40 weeks of pregnancy, the baby will be born. And when a pregnant woman is 42 weeks pregnant, or even more than 42 weeks old, and the baby has not yet thought of signs, then this is called a post-term pregnancy.

Expired pregnancies do not fall within the scope of normal delivery, which will have a bad impact on the fetus and even affect the health of pregnant women. Next, I will tell you about the bad aspects of a post-term pregnancy.

5 days to the due date, but the pregnant woman has no signs of childbirth? Preventing post-term pregnancies, learn about it

Bad aspects of a post-term pregnancy

Expired pregnancy will have a bad impact on the fetus, baby and pregnant women. Why? Let's take another look.

First of all, for pregnant women, the baby has not been born after the due date, and it is inevitable that there will be emotional changes. For example, nervous, worried, do not know what the baby in the belly is, why it has not come out after the due date. Pregnant women are in such a wandering state all day long, unable to eat, sleep badly, which is bound to affect the next childbirth.

The fetal baby is too long in the pregnant woman's belly and will develop more maturely. For example, the fetal baby's head will become harder, and if the pregnant woman still chooses to deliver a vaginal birth, it may be difficult to come out at the moment when the fetus is delivered.

For the fetus, it also has a certain adverse impact. Due to the expired pregnancy, the amniotic fluid of pregnant women will be less and less, and the fetus will be greatly affected in the mother's belly, and even bad situations will occur in serious cases.

In addition, due to the impact of post-term pregnancy, the placental function of pregnant women will slowly deteriorate. We all know that the placenta is the source of nutrition for the fetal baby, and once the nutritional supply of the fetal baby is insufficient, the consequences can be imagined.

5 days to the due date, but the pregnant woman has no signs of childbirth? Preventing post-term pregnancies, learn about it

So, since the expired pregnancy is so unfriendly to pregnant women and the fetus, can we first prevent it during pregnancy to avoid the occurrence of expired pregnancy? Let me share this knowledge with you.

How to prevent post-term pregnancies

During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, pregnant women should reasonably arrange work and rest time and exercise time. Pregnant women should not think that in the third trimester, they lie in bed all day waiting for the signs of labor to come, which is not advisable.

Pregnant women can do appropriate exercise, multi-activity exercise, but also an effective way for pregnant women to prevent post-term pregnancy.

Pregnant women should tell the doctor the exact date of their pregnancy so that the doctor can accurately calculate the expected date of delivery. In addition, do not neglect the obstetric examination, pregnant women should regularly go to the hospital for obstetric examination.

5 days to the due date, but the pregnant woman has no signs of childbirth? Preventing post-term pregnancies, learn about it

When it is time to give birth, or there is no sign of childbirth, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time to check, follow the doctor's advice, and care for how to care.

If the expected date of delivery is exceeded, the fetus still has not thought of the situation, you should consult the doctor's opinion, whether to terminate the pregnancy, let the baby be born. Pregnant women cannot hold the idea that they must have a smooth delivery and wait for the baby to give birth naturally.

5 days to the due date, but the pregnant woman has no signs of childbirth? Preventing post-term pregnancies, learn about it

Written in the end: Pregnancy can be said to start from the preparation for pregnancy, until the birth of the baby, it can not be taken lightly. Pregnant women should not only pay attention to the state of their own bodies, but also care about the development of the fetus, and when they reach the door, they should also pay attention to the due date and do not expire pregnancy. (The picture is from the network, if there is infringement, it must be deleted)

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