
Look for dunhuang tiger two| tiger in the mountains and forests

Look for dunhuang tiger two| tiger in the mountains and forests

Tiger in the mountains and forests Cave 249 of Mogao Caves Western Wei

The north of the 249th cave of Mogao Caves has a picture of a mountain forest shooting and hunting: a fierce tiger leaps over the mountain and jumps over the valley, with angry eyes wide open, opens its mouth and exhales, and pounces on the hunter on horseback with a rapid thunderous momentum, while the hunter pulls back his horse, pulls a bow and arrows, and is agile. The painter used extremely concise, smooth and elegant brush and ink to accurately capture the tense moments when the hunter confronted the tiger.

The tiger in the picture is outlined by the earth red line, and the line contains a dynamic beauty, which vividly expresses the tiger's mighty strength and vigor. May your dragons rise and the tigers roar in the new year.

Text: Yang Geng, Wang Jiaqi

Academic support: Guo Junye

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