
Why is the engine compartment of a domestic car completely enclosed? Have an ulterior motive? The reason is simple

At that time, with the boom of the electric vehicle industry in Asia, it was generally a situation in Asia where every family member had two cars. At that time, buying a house had long become a type of German mass consumer demand. However, even if the Asian region accumulates a lot of time earlier, there are differences in many aspects and the living habits of joint venture cars. Many people recognize that the engine compartment of some domestic electric vehicles is semi-closed, and the engine compartment of the joint venture car is exposed. What about the top secrets that are not known? The reason for this is simple.

Why is the engine compartment of a domestic car completely enclosed? Have an ulterior motive? The reason is simple

But this is only a kind of difference in maintenance habits. In Europe and the United States, electric vehicles can not be counted as two general portable auxiliary tools at best, even if electric vehicles have already developed a hundred years of development history in many places. One disadvantage of the exposed engine is that dirt often seeps into the various accessories inside the engine car. If it is placed for a long time, the harm to electric vehicles will be very large. However, the disadvantage of this internal structure is that it is more trouble-free and saves metal materials.

Why is the engine compartment of a domestic car completely enclosed? Have an ulterior motive? The reason is simple

The vast majority of domestic electric vehicles have engine heads, this internal structure design can be better to protect external accessories from environmental pollution, snow weather conditions also have a faster resistance to promote. So overall it looks extremely clean. So the fact that there is an engine nose is going to be faster.

Why is the engine compartment of a domestic car completely enclosed? Have an ulterior motive? The reason is simple

There may be such a difference, but it is only related to maintenance habits. At that time, although electric vehicles had long been very commonly used in Asia, for most family members, electric vehicles were more expensive, so we were extremely protective. What is your point of view on this?

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