
Holiday travel to prevent the epidemic, these reminders need to be paid attention to

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The Spring Festival is the peak time for people to travel. Under the current epidemic situation, how to travel safely during the Spring Festival? How can all localities ensure that tourists spend a happy, peaceful and safe Spring Festival holiday in accordance with the requirements of accurate prevention and control?

Holiday travel to prevent the epidemic, these reminders need to be paid attention to

Yu Changguo, deputy director of the Department of Market Management of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, introduced that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism attaches great importance to epidemic prevention and control, deploys epidemic prevention and control, safe production and other work, and requires the focus on the prevention and control measures of travel agencies, scenic spots and indoor places, the main content includes two aspects.

The first is to strictly implement that travel agencies and online tourism enterprises must not operate inbound and outbound group tours and "air tickets + hotels" business, strictly implement the "circuit breaker" mechanism for the management of inter-provincial tourism business activities, suspend the operation of special tourism trains, and suspend travel agencies and online tourism enterprises from operating inter-provincial group tours and "air tickets + hotels" in and out of land border port cities.

Second, scenic spots, as well as theaters, museums, art galleries, public libraries, cultural centers (stations), Internet cafes, KTV and other cultural and entertainment venues, in accordance with the new version of the epidemic prevention and control work guidelines, strictly implement the "limited, reservation, staggered peak" opening requirements, control the upper limit of personnel reception, and continue to promote the ticket reservation system; implement the requirements for prevention and control measures such as checking health codes, measuring temperature, and standardizing the wearing of masks; do a good job in ventilation, cleaning and disinfection; strengthen the health monitoring and management of employees, and prevent employees from bringing illness to work Improve emergency response plans, improve working mechanisms, strengthen emergency drills, improve emergency response levels, and properly handle abnormal situations.

Yu Changguo reminded that the Spring Festival holiday outing should pay attention to personal protection, and advocate booking the wrong peak travel. Consciously abide by the epidemic prevention and control regulations, wear masks, wash hands frequently, gather less, and develop good habits of "one meter line". When you have symptoms such as colds and fevers, you should stop the tour immediately and seek medical attention in time. Raise awareness of prevention and travel safely. Enhance the awareness of civilization and travel healthily and greenly.

Source: Anhui Release

Organizer: Propaganda Department of Yingshang County CPC Committee

Editor: Tian Wei

Editor-in-charge: Jing Hua

Producer: Dai Guangyun

Holiday travel to prevent the epidemic, these reminders need to be paid attention to
Holiday travel to prevent the epidemic, these reminders need to be paid attention to

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