
If you want men to continue to love you, in fact, there are only two things to know

author:Listen to the sound of flowers and rain

Many people say that men are greedy for the new and tired of the old, and that things that are easy to get, including love, do not know how to cherish. In fact, not all men are like this, mainly look at people, most people are not. Moreover, many times the consequences of this are not all the fault of men, and women should also find their own problems.

In my opinion, all problems can be reduced to two aspects, the inner and the ones who get along with others, and the inner problems are their own problems. When some people face a problem, they think of other people's problems, as if they are not wrong. For example, if children don't read well, they will only blame the school and teachers.

If you want men to continue to love you, in fact, there are only two things to know

Change your temper and don't let your temper spoil your love.

Men face the woman they like, if the woman loses her temper and is willful, there will generally be two manifestations, one is directly solved on the spot, and the other is to hold back. One of them is easy to cause quarrels, but at least not to the point of emotional cracking or anything, and the second kind of seemingly forbearance is the past, in fact, it is the most dangerous, after all, whose patience is limited, once it is intolerable, I really dare not imagine.

In fact, if women really want men to love themselves all the time, first of all, they must change their temper, do not think that this is very good, quite personality or something, in fact, people hate it. Many problems cannot be saved because they think they are good.

If you want men to continue to love you, in fact, there are only two things to know

The second point is that there is no other, only sincere treatment.

This sincere treatment is actually a prerequisite, first of all, you must find a man with heavy feelings, not just a man who looks good and has money to marry. This looking for a man, how to find the right one, is the thing that determines your happiness in life.

Such a man, as long as you treat each other sincerely, there is no one to be disappointed, unless you are proud and feel that the other party is not worthy of you. Men who value feelings, others are good to him, he remembers in his heart, even if he is not humane for a while, he will remember.

For women who truly love themselves, it is also meticulous, probably the kind of person who will pour out their hearts and lungs for you! Personally, I feel that if you want the other party to continue to love yourself, you must first truly love the other party.

If you want men to continue to love you, in fact, there are only two things to know

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