
What is the root cause of the national football team's loss to Vietnam? First, is it that we are not investing enough in football? But how can it be more than Vietnam, Syria, Iraq and other countries? Second, we are not heavy on the whole people

author:Mizuki diners

What is the root cause of the national football team's loss to Vietnam?

First, is it that we are not investing enough in football? But how can it be more than Vietnam, Syria, Iraq and other countries?

Second, do we all not attach importance to the sport of football? It seems that it is not, remember that it has been a long time since the selection of football talents from teenagers! But what about the talent cultivated?

Third, is it that our technical tactics and training level are not good? We have invited so many big-name coaches, Lippi has come, tactics, training should also be in line with international standards.

Fourth, is our training facilities and nutrition not working? Now that the economic conditions are very good, it should not be a problem in this regard.

Fifth, is the national football team's desire to win low? As a football player, who wants to keep losing and being sneered at by the people? There is still a desire to win!

Sixth, are yellow people inherently unfit to play football? But we can't kick the white race, the black race, why can't even South Korea and Japan kick it? They are also yellow people!

Seventh, is it that the sports of football are low-income and unattractive? Now the women's football team may have a average income, but the men's football team is really not low! If the male footballer scores even one goal in the World Cup, the domestic advertising is soft every minute, and the money cannot be counted!

Anyway, I think the national football team has no reason to say that it can't do it!

We can't do it technically, we can't do it tactically, we can lose, but as a football player, we can't even sprint with the ball than Vietnamese athletes! I don't know what these athletes train on a weekday!

In the end, the national football team really responded to Mr. Fan Zhiyi's words, even Vietnam lost, and the face was gone! I hope that the national football team will be ashamed and brave, and take out the spirit of the wolf of the independent regiment, and the next game can lose, but at least in the case of hard training on weekdays and doing everything in wartime!!! At least don't lose so much at the beginning of the year!

What is the root cause of the national football team's loss to Vietnam? First, is it that we are not investing enough in football? But how can it be more than Vietnam, Syria, Iraq and other countries? Second, we are not heavy on the whole people

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