
A wave of readers went to the Hubei Provincial Library to read books at the Chinese New Year and feel the fragrance of books in the New Year

Jimu news reporter Xu Ying

Video clip Xu Ying

Communicator Zhu Jiayi

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Weicheng, director of the Hubei Provincial Library, welcomed the first batch of readers to the library in the New Year, and presented them with New Year paintings and a series of books on the Yangtze River Pulpit.

Li Yuru, a 5-year-old child, is one of the first readers to visit the museum today. She and her grandmother hitched a ride from Aoyama to the provincial library. Li Yuru's grandmother said that on the first day of the first year of the third consecutive year, Li Yuru's children spent the Spring Festival with books in the provincial map, and the new year started from the library.

A wave of readers went to the Hubei Provincial Library to read books at the Chinese New Year and feel the fragrance of books in the New Year

Wu Yufei and Liu Jiayan, 18, are also among the first readers to visit the museum today. Wu Yufei's New Year's reading plan is "The Temperature of History" and "Biography of Li Hongzhang". The book that Liu Jiayan came to the library to read today is "The Interpretation of Dreams". They took the New Year painting from the hands of Director Liu Weicheng, and passed on the blessing of book fragrance to the vast number of readers, wishing everyone a poetry and book in their hearts.

Mr. Jiang, a citizen, is a loyal reader of the Yangtze River Pulpit and comes to the provincial library every week. In the provincial map public account to see the information of the new year painting activity, get up early to the library to receive the blessing of books. During the Spring Festival in 2022, hubei provincial libraries will be open to the general public and hold a series of spring festival activities of "Fuhu Welcoming Spring and Happy Reading", offering cultural activities to benefit the people with a strong New Year's flavor. Liu Weicheng, director of Hubei Provincial Library, wished the majority of readers a happy New Year. He said that everyone is welcome to meet with friends and family at the provincial library and feel the fragrance of books in the New Year.

A wave of readers went to the Hubei Provincial Library to read books at the Chinese New Year and feel the fragrance of books in the New Year
A wave of readers went to the Hubei Provincial Library to read books at the Chinese New Year and feel the fragrance of books in the New Year

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