
After the Eight Precepts of the Pig have achieved positive results, have they really become non-gluttonous? You see what he ate at Lingshan

As we all know, the Eight Precepts of the Pig are very gluttonous, but how much he can eat, I am afraid that many people do not know.

On the way to the scriptures, why do the Eight Precepts of the Pig often say that the stomach is hungry? It's not that he's sneaking and trying to ease his work tasks, but he's really hungry because he rarely eats a full meal.

But the rare persimmon that time, the pig eight precepts ate a very happy full meal. This meal shows the size of his appetite.

So, how much did you eat in this meal of the Eight Precepts of the Pig?

It can be said that according to the amount of food for this meal of the Eight Precepts of the Pig, even if you earn tens of millions of dollars a year, I am afraid that you will not be able to support him.

After the Eight Precepts of the Pig have achieved positive results, have they really become non-gluttonous? You see what he ate at Lingshan

The team came to the rare persimmon and found that the local rotten persimmons were piled up into a mountain, blocking the road to the west, so Sun Wukong proposed that the eight precepts of the pig take the rotten persimmon pile and open up the road to the west.

Pig Eight Commandments said that it was no problem, but there was a prerequisite, a meal must be prepared for him, and he could eat openly.

Sun Wukong hated the Eight Precepts of the Pig the most, but this time, he readily agreed to the request of the Eight Precepts of the Pig. Because he knew that it was very difficult to arch away the pile of rotten persimmons, and it was not enough to eat without eating.

The Eight Precepts of the Pig then feasted on it, and the original sixty-seventh time wrote, "When the idiot is hungry, many people not only have seven or eight stones of rice, but he also does not care about rice or noodle rice, and collects it to use it for a flood, and has a full meal", it can be seen that the amount of food for a full meal of the Eight Precepts of the Pig is about seven stones.

In the Ming Dynasty, one stone was 150 kilograms, seven stones was 1050 kilograms, according to a thousand kilograms, the pig eight precepts to eat a meal to eat a thousand kilograms, a day to eat three thousand kilograms.

Let's assume that the eight precepts of the pig eat all rice, and the price of ordinary rice is about 3 yuan a catty, that is to say, the eight precepts of the pig have to eat 9,000 yuan a day, which is 270,000 a month, and up to 3.24 million a year.

After the Eight Precepts of the Pig have achieved positive results, have they really become non-gluttonous? You see what he ate at Lingshan

But in fact, after all, the second master brother is not a rice bucket, it is impossible to eat rice at once, and occasionally he has to open a meat, so that the annual salary may not be able to afford him.

But what is strange is that on the way to the scriptures, the pig's eight precepts can be eaten, and after achieving positive results, the appetite seems to be much smaller.

When the team achieved positive results, when he returned to Chen Jiazhuang, Chen Jiazhuang's father and elder warmly welcomed and contributed a lot of delicacies, in exchange for the past, the Eight Precepts of the Pig must have been overjoyed and feasted, but this time, he behaved very coldly, but casually coped with two mouthfuls.

Sun Wukong was curious and asked, "Nerd, why don't you eat it?" ”

Inuyasha himself was also very puzzled: "I don't know how, my appetite is suddenly small." ”

So, after the eight precepts of the pig have achieved positive results, does it really have a smaller appetite and no longer eat greedily?

In fact, the appetite of the Eight Precepts of the Pig has not become smaller.

The people of Chen Jiazhuang were well aware of the great appetite of the Eight Precepts of the Pig, and when they saw that he had casually coped with two bites, they thought that after the second master brother became a Buddha, he became sven, so he constantly advised him to eat. The Eight Precepts of the Pig were difficult to overcome, so they ate eight or nine plates of vegetarian dishes, plus twenty or thirty steamed buns.

After the Eight Precepts of the Pig have achieved positive results, have they really become non-gluttonous? You see what he ate at Lingshan

Since the appetite of the Pig Eight Precepts has not become smaller, why not eat Chen Jiazhuang's food at all?

I'm afraid it has something to do with what he's eaten in Lingshan.

In the ninety-eighth time of the original work, the team arrived at Lingshan, and Lingshan prepared an extremely rich meal in order to give them the wind and dust. It is written, "The Two Noble Ones, at the behest of the Buddha, led the four of them downstairs, and they could not see the precious treasures, and laid out the infinite numbers. I saw that the gods who had set up offerings were arranged for feasts, and all of them were immortals, immortal dishes, immortal tea, and immortal fruits, and the delicacies were different from the mortal world. The masters and disciples saluted the grace and enjoyed it as they pleased."

As the saying goes, "once the sea was shipwrecked as water", I have seen the endless waves of the sea, and then looked at the rivers elsewhere, I can't look at it. Similarly, since the Eight Precepts of the Pig had already eaten the "Immortal Food" of Lingshan, how could they possibly look at Chen Jiazhuang's ordinary iftar? So although you can eat it, you can only cope with two bites at will.

If the Pig Really became non-gluttonous after achieving the positive results of the Eight Precepts, then he would not willingly accept the title of Messenger of the Pure Altar.

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