
The media said that the new energy car owner high-speed 2 times charged, driving a ride to earn 880 yuan! Netizen: Don't think about blowing

More and more new energy car owners have become a "complex" landscape on the way home during the Spring Festival. The mileage anxiety of long-distance driving still exists, and low temperature driving in winter is also a major test for new energy vehicle batteries. Near the Spring Festival, Tencent Automobile launched the "Extraordinary Return Road of New Energy Car Owners" series of plans to record the warm, interesting and extraordinary return of ordinary car owners.

The media said that the new energy car owner high-speed 2 times charged, driving a ride to earn 880 yuan! Netizen: Don't think about blowing

Sun Xiaoying, who lives and works in Guangzhou, is a hitchhiking driver, usually driving a BAIC EU5, with a full power endurance of about 400km, before the Spring Festival, he plans to drive back to his hometown in longyan city, Fujian Province, and then "take a job" to make a little money.

On January 26, he successfully received 4 guests and embarked on the way home with full capacity. Because to send guests, the total distance home is about 550km-600km, counting the high-speed driving endurance discount, Sun Xiaoying expects this section of the road to be charged twice.

When Sun Xiaoying and a car of people arrived near Huizhou, the map showed that the charging piles were not empty, fortunately, they did not queue for too long, and charged the car to 90% of the electricity in 40 minutes.

"When I was about to finish charging, I saw that there was a long queue behind me, and there were five or six cars in the longest line of each pile, and if each car had to be charged for half an hour, the last person would have to wait for 2 hours, so I was lucky."

More fortunately, during the Spring Festival, Sun Xiaoying achieved "work and home without mistakes". Counting down, the hitchhiking order earned about 1200 yuan, excluding the high-speed toll of 230 yuan and the cost of two charging 90 yuan, his net income is 880 yuan.

The media said that the new energy car owner high-speed 2 times charged, driving a ride to earn 880 yuan! Netizen: Don't think about blowing

The highway we take is the Jiguang Expressway, which turns to the Changshen Expressway. Our first charge was in the high-speed service area near Huizhou charging, when the meter mileage was about 18-19%, AutoNavi has a new energy vehicle model, each service area will prompt several charging piles, and prompt several empty piles.

But I did not expect that the charging pile in the high-speed service area is so hot now, and almost every pile in the service area is empty. I would like to complain about this, now the high-speed service area charging piles are too few, we look at each service area almost only 4 piles, now there are more new energy vehicles, certainly not enough.

Because I also have a slow charging cable on my car, I can charge it when I go home, it doesn't matter, I can drive home.

The road conditions on the way home are quite OK, not blocked, we are from Guangdong to Fujian, in fact, Fujian people come to Guangdong to work not much, there will be more people going north, so the road I take is not particularly blocked, to Hunan, Hubei highway will be very congested.

The hitchhiker earned 880 yuan, and the pure tram saved nearly 4,000 yuan per month

I think it is very fortunate that this Spring Festival is a good time to go home from work. The 4 guests of the hitchhiker home this time charged an average of 300 yuan each, a total of 1200 yuan of income, minus the high-speed toll of 230 yuan and the cost of two charges of 90 yuan, calculated to earn 880 yuan, very good.

The media said that the new energy car owner high-speed 2 times charged, driving a ride to earn 880 yuan! Netizen: Don't think about blowing

Usually I drive this car to pull a hitchhiker and save money. My car is a used car, the previous owner has been driving for more than two years, I bought it for about half a year. Running a hitchhiker, if you drive a new energy vehicle, it is very cost-effective and can save a lot of money.

Now back home, I was trying slow charging for the first time, and it was so slow that I was surprised.

Really want to complain about it, I used the original charging cable of BAIC, may also be the home power is not enough, I started charging at more than 9:00 last night, when the battery life was still 35km, this morning at 8:00 to see only charged to 200km, 11 hours only charged 170km, if charged from 0 to full power may take 30 hours, too slow.

The media said that the new energy car owner high-speed 2 times charged, driving a ride to earn 880 yuan! Netizen: Don't think about blowing

At the moment, there are no problems driving this car. I have already replaced the brake pump once. I don't know if it is normal wear and tear. It cost more than 1000 bucks.

At that time, when buying a car, I compared GAC Aian and BAIC, but Aian felt that although the battery life was higher, the price was too expensive, so there was no choice, mainly considering the price.

During this Spring Festival, I will visit relatives and friends. I don't go anywhere particularly far. I will be mostly at home with my family. After the Spring Festival, I plan to return to China on the seventh and eighth day of the Chinese New Year. When I returned, I hoped to receive orders from the hitchhikers to return to Guangzhou.

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