
Looking at the Winter Olympics with "eyes": Politicians from many countries and officials of international organizations expressed their expectations for the Beijing Winter Olympics

(Beijing Winter Olympics) Looking at the Winter Olympics with "Eyes" Outside: Welcoming Harmony and Promoting Friendship Dignitaries and officials of international organizations expressed their expectations for the Beijing Winter Olympics

Beijing, 30 Jan (China News Service) -- On the eve of the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, dignitaries and officials of international organizations have expressed their confidence and expectations for the Beijing Winter Olympics. They said that participating in the Olympic Games is the dream of every athlete, and they look forward to the Beijing Winter Olympics becoming a stage to show world friendship and harmony.

In a video message congratulating the Chinese New Year, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said, "I am about to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Olympic spirit is a beacon of human solidarity, and I look forward to the safe and complete success of the Winter Olympics." ”

Shahid, President of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, expressed his blessings for the Chinese Spring Festival and the Beijing Winter Olympics in a video speech on the 28th. He said the tiger symbolizes adventure, courage and strength, and it is only fitting to hold the Winter Olympics in the Year of the Tiger. Shahid expressed his appreciation for China's commitment to hosting the Green, Inclusive, Open and Clean Winter Olympics, looked forward to attending the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, and hoped that people around the world could enhance mutual understanding and unity through the Winter Olympics. At the end of his speech, he used Chinese to say the idiom "like a tiger to add wings" to wish all athletes good results in the competition.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a video meeting with the athletes of the Russian Winter Olympic delegation that the main task of large-scale international events is to involve as many people as possible in sports and strengthen friendship between peoples of all countries. Russia and China join forces to oppose the politicization of sport and the theatrical boycotts of the Olympic Games, and to support traditional Olympic values, first and foremost equality and justice.

Putin said that there is every reason to believe that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a wonderful high-level event and will write a glorious page in the annals of the world Olympic family, "Like Russia, China has accumulated very good and rich experience in hosting large-scale international events." ”

Austrian President van der Belém said, "When I think of the upcoming Winter Olympics in China, I am pleased to recall liu Jia, the standard-bearer of the Austrian Summer Olympic team and table tennis player, which is a sign of the close integration of Chinese living in Austria with his second hometown. He said that since the first time they participated in the Winter Olympics, Chinese alpine skiers have trained in the snowy mountains of Tyrol, Styria and Salzburg, Austria, and they must have been impressed by the hospitality and friendliness of the Austrians.

When attending the "Polish Day" event of the Polish Olympic Committee, Polish President Duda said that participating in the Olympic Games is the dream of athletes and an important part of the country's comprehensive strength. It is expected that the Polish team will achieve another good result at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Philippine Deputy Speaker Abraham Tolentino noted that the Philippines was fortunate to qualify for the Beijing Winter Olympics. "It is very rare for tropical countries to join these events. We look forward to more athletes joining the winter program in the future." He also praised China's preparations for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, "China will be very well prepared." It's one of the ways they show themselves to be the best hosts, and they're sure to do it."

The Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Chesnokov, said that China has actively promoted various preparatory work and made every effort to ensure the smooth holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics as scheduled, and believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a complete success. The Ukrainian side will actively send personnel to China to participate in 12 sports competitions, hoping that Uzbekistan and China will take the Beijing Winter Olympics as an opportunity to strengthen sports exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

In his New Year message, Governor Shoichi Abe of Nagano Prefecture, Japan, said that Nagano Prefecture and China have a history of ice and snow sports exchanges for more than 40 years, and the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics snow sports project will be held in The sister city of Nagano Prefecture in Hebei Province, China, and wish the Winter Olympics a complete success. We look forward to taking the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries as an opportunity to promote friendship between Japan and China from generation to generation and create a better future together.

Kim Hahn-geun, mayor of Gangneung, South Korea, said in an interview with China News Agency, "The slogan of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is 'Together to the Future', just as the meaning of this slogan, China can become a stage to show the friendship and harmony of the world." I hope that we can all overcome the epidemic at an early date and carry out more active exchanges and cooperation together. ”

In an exclusive interview with China News Agency, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that the Olympic Games are not only a sports event, but also a solemn opportunity to jointly promote peace and unity between the people and countries of the world. "I look forward to participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics as Chairman of the IOC Ethics Committee. I also firmly believe that the Chinese government and people will overcome the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, successfully host the Beijing Winter Olympics, and promote world peace and harmony. ”

"Earlier, I visited the Winter Olympic venues with the staff of the SCO member states and the ambassadors of the SCO member states to China. We saw that the preparations for the event were at their best. Former Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Norov said on the eve of his departure that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will be a wonderful international sports event, and I believe that the event will reflect the highest level. (End) (Participating reporters: Su Jingxin, Wu Xu, Ma Delin, Liu Xu, Xiao Xin, Tian Bing, Peng Dawei, Zhang Shuo, Guan Xiangdong, Zhu Chenxi)

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