
DRX Supervisor Kim Jung-so was removed from the team! New hero Renata Glasc trailer released

1. DRX supervises Kim Jung-soo being removed from the team

According to The Korean media INVEN, DRX supervisor Kim Jung-so has been removed from the team and supervised by coach Shine. The reason for Kim Jung-so's temporary removal has not been revealed.

DRX Supervisor Kim Jung-so was removed from the team! New hero Renata Glasc trailer released

Kim Jung-so is also a legend in the coaching world, and most of the teams he has led before have broken into the world championship and become famous, and IG has won the world championship. However, after leaving IG, Kim Jing-so turned back and forth in the LPL and LCK, but did not achieve good results, and this time was removed from drx, perhaps related to his coaching problem.

2. New Hero Renata Glasc Trailer website released

Fist for the new hero Renata Clasc quit a trailer site, visit the site page and you'll see a hand holding a bottle of potion.

DRX Supervisor Kim Jung-so was removed from the team! New hero Renata Glasc trailer released

Subsequently, there are three tabs where you can browse to learn more about the Renata backstory. The new hero is from Zuan, whose full name is Renata Glasc. Renata drew inspiration from her family's alchemical practice to improve her life in her hometown and In Piltwolf. Their initial goal was to make chemical technology affordable, aesthetically pleasing and accessible to anyone.

DRX Supervisor Kim Jung-so was removed from the team! New hero Renata Glasc trailer released

She did this for 30 years and worked with "citizens and chemistry tycoons to keep the streets safe." Now, she stands at the top of the company and sets her sights on "redefining beauty through state-of-the-art technology." This can all be achieved with what Glass Industries has to offer.

DRX Supervisor Kim Jung-so was removed from the team! New hero Renata Glasc trailer released

The website says they have a wide range of products, but they all have one of two lines: the "Luxury Series" and the "Diffuse Series." Luxury Series is to fulfill your greatest desires, allowing users to unlock a special scent, self-defense techniques, and enhance limb techniques.

DRX Supervisor Kim Jung-so was removed from the team! New hero Renata Glasc trailer released

The Diffusion series offers affordable chemical techniques such as filtration systems, replacement limbs and medical 3 alchemy. Zuan's best of the best created these together to solve some of the rune continent's biggest problems.

3. The number of days of competition for the Asian Games esports event is expected to be 8-10 days

The official schedule of the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games recently announced the unit schedule, of which the specific schedule of the e-sports project has not yet been determined: at the Hangzhou Asian Games, e-sports has become an official competition for the first time, including 8 sub-events: League of Legends, Glory of kings (Asian Games version), Dota2, Dream Three Kingdoms 2, FIFA Online4, Hearthstone, Peace Elite (Asian Games version), Street Fighter 5.

DRX Supervisor Kim Jung-so was removed from the team! New hero Renata Glasc trailer released

As a young people's attention to the e-sports projects, the 8 small projects at the Asian Games are expected to have 8-10 days of competition days, it is worth mentioning that the competition schedule is a dynamic adjustment of the system engineering, the next step, the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee will also be based on the actual number of applicants for each project, broadcast requirements, etc., the schedule will be adjusted and updated, to ensure that the schedule preparation meets the standards, the schedule setting is scientific and reasonable, the event is held in an orderly manner, presenting a wonderful sports event.

4. Brother Holy Gun Sings "The New Noble Concubine Is Drunk"

After the spring game a few years ago, Brother Holy Gun and a group of friends gathered to eat K songs, former Snake team player Zrr released a small video of Brother Holy Gun singing "New Noble Concubine Drunk" on social platforms, in which Brother Holy Gun sang hard in the female cavity, singing well.

DRX Supervisor Kim Jung-so was removed from the team! New hero Renata Glasc trailer released

As soon as the video came out, due to the tangled facial expressions of the Holy Gun Brother, netizens ridiculed the pain mask at the end of the year. However, with the current momentum of EDG, I am afraid that the opponent of the Holy Gun Brother will have to come out with a mask of pain.

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