
The woman suddenly became numb and weak, and the "real culprit" was a spinal cord tumor

Jimu News reporter Liao Shiqi

Correspondent Zhou Shan

"I thought that cervical spondylosis had occurred, but I didn't expect that there was a tumor in the spinal canal, but thanks to the Jinghan experts who helped me operate in time, now I can finally go home for a reunion year!" On January 27, Ms. Wu, who was about to be discharged from the hospital, could not hide her joy at the beginning of her serious illness and her gratitude to the medical staff.

While busy buying New Year goods, while taking care of household chores, a month ago, 48-year-old Ms. Wu was tired of "cervical spine" attacks, at first only felt dull pain in the back of the neck, and then gradually developed to the right upper limbs continue to be numb, fatigue, even if the rest is difficult to alleviate, worried about the aggravation of the disease, she quickly went to the local hospital for examination, which found out the "spinal mass lesions".

The woman suddenly became numb and weak, and the "real culprit" was a spinal cord tumor

Doctors said that if scientific intervention is not carried out in time, not only to endure severe pain, as the course of the disease progresses, severe cases can cause paraplegia at any time, and even life-threatening; however, rushing to carry out spinal canal lesion removal surgery, because the diseased tissue and spinal cord are closely adhered, the boundaries are not clear and close to many important neurovascular tissues, and they face a very high risk of spinal cord injury, causing irreversible neurological dysfunction and even causing permanent disability. Knowing this situation, the original Hele family was caught in a dilemma. Until half a month ago, after being introduced, it was learned that Wuhan Brain Hospital Yangtze River Shipping General Hospital is the only technical cooperation unit of Beijing Tiantan Hospital in Han, in order to obtain more professional and safe treatment, the family came to visit.

After rapid improvement and examination, Professor Cen Bo, a brain tumor expert in the Department of Neurosurgery of the hospital, believes that the patient suffers from a tumor in the spinal cord, and he said that it is precisely because the spinal cord segment of the cervical vertebra 5-7 is compressed by the tumor body to the right deviation, which has caused the neck pain in the control area to continue to not be relieved and the right upper limb is numb, fatigue and other symptoms, in order to avoid the risk of high paraplegia caused by the progression of the disease, the top priority is to remove the tumor compression as soon as possible.

Under the full trust and recognition of Ms. Wu and her family, after the jinghan experts jointly formulated the surgical plan, Professor Cen Bo and the experts of the Temple of Heaven jointly led the team of neurosurgeons to perform spinal cord tumor resection surgery for Ms. Wu. Under the precise positioning of the B ultrasound during the operation, the experts fully protected the peripheral nerves and tissues while carefully freeing the tumor and spinal cord, and finally successfully cut the tumor body and reduced the lamina intact.

The woman suddenly became numb and weak, and the "real culprit" was a spinal cord tumor

At present, after two weeks of meticulous medical care, Ms. Wu's neck pain has disappeared, and her limb weakness and numbness have improved significantly. The postoperative pathological results also confirmed Professor Shumbo's diagnosis.

Spinal cord tumors tend to occur in middle-aged and elderly women, because the initial symptoms are similar to cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis, which is easily confused with spinal degeneration diseases in the elderly, resulting in delayed treatment. Cen Bo reminded that once there is an inexplicable arm numbness, fatigue, waist and leg pain, walking instability, or cervical spine and lumbar spondylosis for a long time, it is recommended to go to the neurosurgery department of a regular hospital for further diagnosis, do not miss the best time for treatment.

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