
D.H.APP_Horoscope of January 28, 2022


In recent weeks and even months, you have accumulated good causal relationships through many efforts. Aries, because you're a straightforward, informal person who believes in working on what you get. But the good stuff you put into this world is a special kind of work that will be rewarded. If you don't believe in the concept of goodness having good rewards right now, you may soon become a believer when something amazing starts unfolding for you — perhaps starting today. Look for it.


Taurus, you probably didn't have great hopes at the start of the year. Maybe you're still lingering in your head with old regrets, or feeling stressed about some of the difficulties you're facing, which can be overwhelming. But every day is a new beginning, and you can make this the beginning of your happiness, your sense of accomplishment and your self-confidence. Make yourself a list of commitments – an actual paper list that you can take to reference when you need to stay motivated – and form some positive thoughts along the way.


One might accuse you of being a bit like the blonde in the three bears story because you're having a hard time finding what you're looking for in some area of your life. In the story, the blonde enters the bear's house and tries all the porridge, chairs, and beds, trying to find something she likes. In other words, Gemini, someone might accuse you of being too picky. But you're the only one who's qualified to determine what's right for you. Moreover, there is nothing wrong with choosing to be unsure of the status quo. In the story, the girl finds something she likes, and you too.


Perception becomes reality when it is not corrected through actual experience. When you make quick judgments based on a shallow perception of something or someone, and then you're too lazy to explore further to see if your feelings are accurate, then you'll be stuck with that idea of something. Even though you're a highly intuitive sign, you're not always right, and it does apply to you. Now might be the time to give someone another chance. The initial, superficial impression is not always correct.


When a problem arises — in your life or in the lives of people you care about — you like to take action. You are not a person who sits and thinks about things. But in situations where you can't act in the moment, you can become nervous, frustrated, and even angry. You may now be in this state for yourself or your loved ones. But this is only a temporary pause, Leo. This can be handled when the time comes. While you want to help, you may not need your help at all. But the fact that you care about has made a big difference in your life.


It's not fun to rush through what you want to do so that you can do what you have to do. Virgo, you may be falling behind in some things right now, but that's not an excuse for you to treat yourself badly when you do what you love to do, and you've probably done too many of those things lately. Take care of what you have to do, and then set aside time to participate in an activity or event you enjoy. It's a very simple message, but you need to hear this information. Taking the time to enjoy yourself is just as important as anything else you have to do.


Gratitude is not always expressed immediately. Sometimes a person can do a good thing — even something that involves a lot of time and effort — without receiving the full thanks they deserve. This doesn't necessarily mean that people who should be thankful don't feel grateful. If you do a good deed just because you see it as a good deed or a helpful thing, you may feel bitter because it doesn't seem to be noticed. But thanks will come to you. And in the big plans for things, Libra, you've got appreciated.


Of course, you will always be you, Scorpio! You have all the same wonderful traits and personalities, but you're like a can of soda that's been shaken – full of foam! You are, and you are showing people your charms. You are now acting more approachable. You should also find yourself more likely to become more natural. Use this time to find a warmer intimacy with someone in your life you've always longed to know better. It will be easier now because your vigilance is lower than usual.


Lighting a candle can be done by matching. It only takes a second and doesn't take much effort at all, but in a dark room, it can make a big difference. With candles, you can find your own direction. What you need now is to find greater hope in your future, a small lamp that you can see and towards it, Sagittarius. It's a metaphor, of course, but that inspiration may be the only thing that's lacking. You are now looking for something related to your purpose. Instead of seeking it directly, be an active inspiration seeker first. Then you will find your way.


You may be very analytical, Capricorn. That's part of what we make. That's how you make decisions. It's a way to make you feel comfortable with the choices you've made. But you also over-analyze sometimes. If you study anything, you're sure to be able to find some sort of error in it. You may now feel highly critical of what you look at too carefully. You may be doing this as a means of self-preservation, but you need to take a step back. Look at the whole, not the sum of the parts. When you do, you may see different things.


You may be quite surprised at how comfortable you are in a new environment. While you may not find any similarities or anything familiar to you in this new situation, Aquarius, it feels relaxed, natural, and welcome. Whatever it has to do with it — whether it's work, a new person in your life, a new course of study, or whatever — it means it's something that's really good for you and you'll naturally accept it. Keep pursuing it!


You may not have formally dealt with what you want to accomplish this year. Essentially, you're sometimes a procrastinator. But if you let the idea slip away from you, like it might have slipped away from you in the same way in the past, you may never set out to do it, Pisces. A formal approach is to think about it, plan for it, make a list of things you need to start with, and so on. It's not too much, because you can do one little thing at a time and keep making progress. Encourage you to get started.

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