
Mi Fu Xingshu "Li Qinglian Asks the Moon Poem"

Song Dynasty Mi Fu Xingshu "Li Qinglian Asks the Moon Poem"

Mi Fu Xingshu "Li Qinglian Asks the Moon Poem"
Mi Fu Xingshu "Li Qinglian Asks the Moon Poem"
Mi Fu Xingshu "Li Qinglian Asks the Moon Poem"
Mi Fu Xingshu "Li Qinglian Asks the Moon Poem"
Mi Fu Xingshu "Li Qinglian Asks the Moon Poem"

When does the moon come to the blue sky? I'll stop the cup and ask about it today. People climb the moon and cannot get it, but the moon walks with people. It was like a flying mirror near Dan Que, and the green smoke extinguished the green glow. But seeing the night coming from the sea, would you rather know that xiang yunjian is not? White rabbit pounding medicine autumn and spring, Chang'e lonely perched with whom neighbors? Today's people do not see the ancient time and month, but this month once looked at the ancients. If the ancients and today's people are flowing water, they can see the bright moon together! May the moonlight shine on the golden bottle when the song is against the wine.

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