
Headlights play tricks to project information onto the driveway

Because of its unique achievements in headlights, Audi has been named a lamp factory by many fans. Not to be outdone, Volkswagen, its parent company, has played tricks on the headlights, and recently they are experimenting with a lamp that can project information onto the road of the car.

Headlights play tricks to project information onto the driveway

In the eyes of the public, the headlights are not only able to complete the road lighting work. Thanks to the improvement of technology in the electronics industry, the lights can also be controlled more precisely and independently. Recently, they released the news of the new lighting system. The system uses a lamp housing with a cluster of 30,000 miniature elements.

Reversing in a dark environment is not an easy task, but if the vehicle is equipped with an optical lane assist light cluster, the extension line of the body can be projected on the ground, and the driver can easily understand the width of the vehicle and the obstacles behind the car through the rearview mirror.

Headlights play tricks to project information onto the driveway

In addition to projecting information, taillights can also be used to display information. For example, an icon with a warning is displayed, or a prompt informing the user that the charge has reached 100%. In addition, the headlights can also be operated by mobile phones, and it is entirely possible to use software to control the system and display a smiley face on the taillights.

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