
How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

First, the imagination of the imagination

Sometimes you say a word and he pays attention to one of those words that doesn't really matter. Sometimes when you talk about one thing, he thinks of another thing and it feels very serious.

How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

In the first grade, I tutored my son at home to do math papers.

There is a topic: there are 20 birds in the tree, 9 fly away the first time, 7 fly away the second time, how many birds fly away in two times?

He looked at the question, muttered, and kept scratching his little brain.

I taught him the question: "In this question, the first '20' is a trap, to deceive you and fool you, and the question is how many birds are flown away twice, so leave it alone..."

Before I could finish speaking, his voice trembled a little, and he rushed to say, "Daddy, don't talk about traps anymore, I'm so scared." ”

I looked into his innocent little eyes and tried to open my mouth but immediately bit my lip again. Or don't tell him: in fact, this is just the beginning, and the volumes you have to write when you grow up are many traps.

How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

When I was 6 years old, I went downstairs for a walk after dinner one day.

Our father and son played the wooden man game, he was responsible for catching, and I was responsible for being the wooden man.

This time he had finished counting one, two or three wooden men, and I had already walked up to him. I touched his back and ran back.

The son immediately turned his head, and at the moment of starting the race, because the twist was too large, he accidentally fell.

He got up, still immersed in the joy of catching me, with a smile on his face.

He lifted his feet and gently tried to take a step, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

I helped him sit down. His mouth flattened, tears swirling in his eyes.

He carefully rubbed his right ankle with both hands, shrunk his shoulders, and said, "Dad, I'm afraid I'm going to have surgery, and I can't go anymore." ”

I deliberately put on a relaxed posture, smiled and said, "I have twisted and broken bones, and now I can walk." It's okay, it'll be fine in a few days. ”

I carried him home on my back, and along the way, my son didn't speak.

When I got home, I took a small wooden stool and let him sit and take a shower. He washed it out and smiled and said, "Dad, I won't be afraid to listen to you, I'm a little man!" ”

The next day I woke up and said, "Dad, sure enough, as you said, I'm fine now." ”

2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome

Some of the behaviors that you can't understand that children must adhere to may be neat, complete, or something else.

How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

Probably when my son was more than a year old, there was a time when he had to arrange things neatly in his hands.

Including cars, building blocks, buttons, etc., a certain number of small objects of the same kind, as long as he pays attention to this, he will hold his breath, gently with that chubby little hand, carefully arranged in a row, never allowing a protruding or crooked.

If you accidentally touch one of them, he will definitely frown and stare at you, quickly putting it back in place.

Later, when I talked to a friend, many parents of children of the same age said that their children would do the same.

I'm looking at his messy toy box and the stack of books and documents on the table...

If he could still be the same now, how good it would be.

How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

Around the age of 5, my son sat conveniently on the toilet.

After a while, I heard him shouting, "Daddy! There's no paper! ”

I took the roll of paper and trotted all the way to the bathroom, and the slippers fell off.

My son watched me change the roll of paper. The beginning of the roll paper is tightly attached, because I was a little anxious and did not tear it well, resulting in the beginning of the roll paper being a little tattered.

After I changed it, my son directly pulled out a long roll of tissues.

I was a little angry, thinking he was too wasteful: "Your little ass, do you want to tear so much?" You're also too wasteful..."

He sat on the toilet and shook his legs urgently: "But it's all rotten, I don't want it." ”

I bowed my head and silently tore off the tattered parts.

Handed him the neat part.

Third, there is an adult living in the small body

Children sometimes speak logically and clearly, and their heads are the Tao; sometimes they are philosophical and profoundly moving. I really doubted whether there was an adult living in his small body.

How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

The son took the newly purchased toy and said to himself as he played: "I don't like Monday to Thursday the most." ”

What about Friday? Before I could ask, he said himself, "You can sleep with mom and dad on Fridays, and you can play on Saturdays and Sundays..."

I continued to read with my back to him and smiled secretly.

We made an appointment that he would sleep alone on his own, and only on Friday nights he could sleep with us.

How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

One night, my son fell asleep for an hour.

He suddenly sat up and said with a slight cry, "Dad, I want you to sleep with me." ”


"Because I like you."

I touched his head and helped him lie down, and he soon fell asleep again.

I asked him the next morning and he said he didn't remember anything about it.

How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

One day my son was lying in bed getting ready for bed.

I was in the living room, and because of some small conflicts with my family, my voice was a little louder.

My son ran out, hugged me tightly, and asked me what was going on.

I didn't answer, accompanied him back to the room, and let him lie down and sleep well.

I turned my back on him and sat down at the computer, brushing my phone without a word.

After a while, the son suddenly said softly, "Daddy, calm down." ”

I went over and kissed him, and my anger subsided.

How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

I've told my son several times that I'm afraid to sleep with him. When he fell asleep, I would be punched and kicked by him and would wake up several times a night. Every time my son listens to me, he blossoms happily.

One Friday night, I slept with my son.

We both got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Back on the bed, looking at his sleepy eyes, it was so cute that I couldn't help but hug him tightly from behind.

After a while, he turned his head: "Aren't you afraid that I will hit you?" Still so close to me. I'm afraid of hitting you, stay away from me Daddy. ”

I hugged tighter.

How outrageous can a child's behavior be? It's infuriating and ridiculous

Discussion: What other outrageous behaviors have you encountered with children? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

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