
In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

author:Took up seven points of water

Today, I will put together the best picture list of the 11-20th Oscars and see what classics there are in addition to "Gone with the Wind", the best films of the 11-20th Oscars! The list of best pictures at the 21st-30th Academy Awards, the best picture list of the 31st-40th Academy Awards, the best picture list of the 41st-50th Academy Awards, the best picture list of the 51-60th Academy Awards, the best picture list of the 61-70th Oscars, the best picture list of the 71-80th Oscars and the best picture list of the 81-90th Oscars have been compiled.

<h1>1939 11th </h1>

You Can't Take It with You 浮生若梦

In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 7.6 IMDb: 8.0

Director: Frank Capra

Writers: Robert Riskin

Starring: James Stewart / Gene Arthur / Lionel Barrymore / Edward Arnold / Misha Orr / Ann Miller / Spring Bellington / Samuel S. Zinz / Donald Mick / H.B. Warner / Halliwell Hobbes

Description: The story describes Wall Street magnate Kirby's intention to expand the factory into a residential area in order to make money, but is strongly opposed by the Van der Hof family there. The members of the Fan family have eccentric personalities, the second daughter Alice and work as a secretary at Kirby's company, and fall in love with Kirby's son Tony, causing Kirby's dissatisfaction. The dispute between the two sides was finally mediated by a respected grandfather, and Kirby became a philanthropist.

Adapted from the Broadway stage play that won the Pulitzer Award, using comedy to promote the theme of new neighborliness, the American people who faced the economic downturn in the 1930s felt the warmth of interpersonal warmth and hope for life, making this optimistic film win the Academy Award for Best Picture that year. Directed by Frank. Capra photographs the subtle conflicts of human nature with its usual satire and entertainment, Lionel. Barrymore, Gene. Arthur, James. Stewart and others also succeeded.


Test Pilot pilot

Pygmalion sells flower girls

Jezebel Red Shirt Tear Stains

La Grande illusion

Four Daughters four thousand gold

The Citadel Acropolis / The Awakening of the Young Doctor

Boys Town Orphans

Alexander's Ragtime Band Alexandria's jazz band

The Adventures of Robin Hood The Adventures of Robin Hood

<h1>1940 12th </h1>

Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind

In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 9.2 IMDb: 8.2

Directed By: Victor Fleming / George Cook / Sam Wood

Writers: Margaret Michelle / Sidney Howard / Oliver H· P. Garrett / Ben Hecht / Joe Swarlin / John van Drudden

Starring: Vivien Leigh / Clark Gable / Olivia de Havilland / Thomas Mitchell / Barbara Ernell / Evelyn Keyes / Ann Rutherford / George Rivers / Fred Klein / Heidi McDaniels / Oscar Polk / Butte Flay McQueen / Victor Jolly

On the eve of the American Civil War, Scarlett (Vivien Leigh) of Tara Manor, a farm in the South, falls in love with ashley (Leslie Howard), the son of another farmer, and is rejected, and in retaliation, she marries her unloved man, Charles, the younger brother of Ashley's wife Meran (Olivia de Havilland).

During the war, Scarlett became a widow, lost her mother, and took up the burden of life, no longer the original Miss Qianjin; after the war, she became a wife twice, marrying Red (Clark Gable), a speculative businessman who had loved her for many years.

However, despite the hardships of life, Scarlett's feelings for Ashley remain unchanged. The death of Ashley's wife, Meran, gave Scarlett a chance, on the one hand, she loved her husband Red, and on the other hand, Ashley, who had been thinking about her for many years. What kind of tomorrow will Scarlett give herself?

Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights

The Wizard of Oz 绿野仙踪

Stagecoach Guanshan Flying Ferry

Of Mice and Men between humans and mice

Ninotchka Exotic Mandarin Duck

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Mr. Smith to Washington

Love Affair love affair

Goodbye, Mr. Chips

Dark Victory Dark Victory

<h1>1941 13th </h1>

Rebecca Butterfly Dream

In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 8.3 IMDb: 8.1

Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Writers: Daphne Dumoullier / Robert E. Sherwood / Joan Harrison

Starring: Lawrence Oliver / Joan Fontaine / George Sanders / Judith Anderson / Nigel Bruce / Leginard Danny / C. Aubre Smith / Gladys Cooper / Florence Bates / Melville Cooper / Rio. G. Carroll / Leonardo Carey / Lumsden Hare / Edward Fielding / Forrest Harvey

Synopsis: The young woman (Joan Fontaine) first meets Mandley's owner, Devonte (Lawrence Oliver Laurence Olivier), on the edge of a cliff by the sea. She thought Derwent was going to commit suicide by jumping into the sea, and screamed, making Derwent angry. However, the subsequent acquaintances of the two and the subsequent acquaintances led them to fall in love, marrying each other, and the woman became the hostess of Mandley Manor.

The happy life is about to spread out, but this newlywed wife has encountered a gloomy "cold current". She found that the manor was full of shadows of Derwent's ex-wife Rebecca, her name, leaving traces on the furniture, and what disturbed the new wife even more was that the housekeeper, Mrs. Danfoss, was even more obsessed with Rebecca, full of hatred for the new owner. Even her husband, Derwent, was reluctant to explain all this, as if he still had old feelings in his heart.

Rebecca was a nightmare at Mandley Manor, and things began to get more and more complicated.

The Philadelphia Story

Our Town Our Town

The Long Voyage Home

The Letter tears

Kitty Foyle: The Natural History of a Woman 女人万岁

The Great Dictator

The Grapes of Wrath Angry Grapes

Foreign Correspondent Overseas Correspondent

All This, and Heaven Too 卿何遵命

<h1>1942 14th </h1>

How Green Was My Valley

In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 8.2 IMDb: 7.8

Director: John Ford

Writers: Philip Dunn

Starring: Walter Pidgin / Marlene O'Hara / Anna Lee / Donald Crisp / Roddy McDowell

Hugh (Roddy McDowall) was born into a miner's home, where his father Morgan Sr. (Donald Crisp) and his brothers do their hardest and most dangerous work in the dark, hot underground. Despite this, Hugh's childhood life is still full of happy memories, and his father's optimistic attitude has infected a large family, and everyone cherishes the good time with their families.

The collapse of the steel mill plunged the Morgan family into crisis, and a large number of steel mill workers poured into the coal mining industry, causing coal miners' wages to drop sharply. Disgruntled miners decided to strike, including morgan's sons. Morgan Sr. objected to this radical move, and he had a fierce conflict with his sons, who chose to run away from home. Fortunately, the strike had a positive effect and the Morgan family was back on the normal track of life.

Suspicion is deeply suspicious

Sergeant York York Cobia

One Foot in Heaven

The Maltese Falcon's Nest of Wolves fights blood

The Little Foxes

Hold Back the Dawn

Here Comes Mr. Jordan Jordan is out on the horse

Citizen Kane Citizen Kane

Blossoms In the Dust flowers drift to zero

<h1>1943 15th </h1>

Mrs. Miniver House of Loyalty

In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 7.5 IMDb: 7.6

Director: William Wheeler

Writers: Arthur Wimperris / George Froscher

Starring: Grecia Carson / Walter Pikin / Teresa White / May Whitty / Reginald Owen

Synopsis: Set in the summer of 1939, Kerim (Walter Pidgeon) and his wife, Mrs. Minnifer (Greer Garson), live in the suburbs of England, married for many years, had three children, and lived happily ever after. Kerim's eldest son, Wayne (Richard Ney), falls in love with The Flower Club founder's granddaughter Bell (Teresa White Teresa Wright), and the two quickly come together.

The war began, and Wayne, wanting to be loyal to his country, rushed to the front, while Kerim and Lady Minifer were in the rear. One day, a German pilot was injured and broke into Mrs. Minnifer's back garden, and Ms. Minnifer, with her bravery and wisdom, helped the police to successfully arrest her. Mrs. Minifer and Miss Bell were attacked by an air raid on their way to the station, and for a time there was less evil.

Yankee Doodle Dandy's victory song

Wake Island resurrection bird

The Talk of the Town 小镇话语

Random Harvest

The Pride of the Yankees The Pride of the Yankees

The Pied Piper Prodigy

The Magnificent Ambersons The Great Ambason

Kings Row

Forty-Ninth Parallel is coming

<h1>1944 16th </h1>


In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 8.6 IMDb: 8.5

Directed By: Michael Curtis

Writers: Julius J. Epstein / Philip G. Epstein / Howard Cork / Murray Burnett / Joan Alison / Kathy Robinson

Starring: Humphrey Bogart / Ingrid Bergman / Paul Henred / Claude Raines / Conrad Waiter / Sidney Greenstair / Peter Lowe / S. Z. Sakar / Madeleine Loeb / Dooley Wilson / Joey Paige / John Quirlen / Leonid Kinsky / Kurt Beuys

Description: During World War II, Casablanca was a must-see place for Europe to flee to the United States, where the situation was mixed and tense. Rick (Humphrey Bogart) is a mysterious businessman who runs a popular nightclub in Casablanca and has two valuable passes. One day, anti-Nazi Victor and his wife, Irsha (Ingrid Bergman), arrive at a nightclub to escape the Nazis. As it happens, Rick discovers that Ilsa turned out to be his old lover. That love was once unforgettable, but it was terminated by a misunderstanding. When the misunderstanding dissolves, the relationship between Ilsa and Rick inevitably rekindles. Rick's two passes help Victor through the storm, but that leaves Irsa's decision to stay or leave, and where their love is headed in a political and ethical bout.

Watch on the Rhine guarding the Rhine

The Song of Bernadette

The Ox-Bow Incident Dragon City

The More the Merrier 小姑居处

Madame Curie Marie Curie

In Which We Serve is with the motherland

The Sky in the Small Town of The Human Comedy

Heaven Can Wait Heaven can wait

For Whom the Bell Tolls field bells

<h1>1945 17th </h1>

Going My Way walked with me

In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 7.5 IMDb: 7.2

Directed By: Leo McCarret

Writers: Frank Butler / Frank Cavert

Starring: Ping Kraussberg / Barry Fitzgerald / Frank McHugh / Joan Heather / Jean Lockhart

Synopsis: The story takes place in the historic Church of Santo Dominic, where a priest named Keith (Barry Fitzgerald) is run, a position Keith has spent forty-five years in. Keith was old, his thoughts were already falling short of the tide, fewer and fewer believers came to hear his sermons, and the church soon fell into a crisis of not being able to make ends meet.

At this juncture, a young priest named Emmanni (Ping Klausbe Bing Crosby) is sent here by the Church to assist Keith. For this lively and funny young man, the stubborn Keith of course looked at a hundred unpleasant eyes, however, Emmanni still went his own way, with his warm and easy-going style, let everyone feel like a spring breeze. Over time, Emmanuel subtly changed Keith's mind and helped the church raise funds for its reconstruction, saving the ancient altar.

Wilson Wilson Biography

Since You Went Away since the Farewell

Gaslight under the gas lamp

Double Indemnity Double Insurance

<h1>1946 18th </h1>

The Lost Weekend Lost Weekend

In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 7.9 IMDb: 8.0

Director: Billy Wilder

Writers: Charles Brackett / Billy Wilder

Starring: Ray Mirand / Jane Wyman / Philip Terry / Howard da Silva / Dorice Dowling

Don (Ray Milland) doesn't know if he can call himself a frustrated writer, because how can a writer whose work has never been accepted by the public be a writer? In order to dispel the resentment in his heart, Tang chose to seek comfort from alcohol, which he did not know would only make his situation worse. The appearance of Helen (Jane Wyman) pulls Don out of the quagmire of alcoholism, and her gentleness and understanding warms Don's lonely life and makes him find a spiritual belonging, and he decides to pick himself up again.

The good times did not last long, Helen's father was very dissatisfied with the relationship between Tang and his daughter, in his eyes, Tang was just a wandering child who achieved nothing. Tang, whose feelings have been denied, is once again in the crisis of alcoholism, and even has suicidal thoughts. Faced with a disheartened lover, can Helen once again rescue Don from the brink of death?

Dr. Spellbound Edward

Mildred Pierce lusts for the sea

The Bells of St. Mars

Anchors Aweigh anchor

<h1>19th 19th </h1>

The Best Years of Our Lives Golden Age

In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 8.2 IMDb: 8.1

Writers: Robert A. E. Sherwood

Starring: Mana Loy / Frederick March / Dana Andrews / Teresa White / Virginia Mayo

Synopsis: Set in 1945, Fred (Dana Andrews), Al (Fredric March) and Hawmo (Harold Russell) are three soldiers who have just left the battlefield, about to return to their long-lost hometown, about to meet their long-departed relatives, although the circumstances of the three are different, but the excitement and anxiety in their hearts are no different, respectively, He made a promise to get together again.

The safe return of her husband, Al, plunges Millie (Mana Roy Myrna Loy) into ecstasy for a long time, and with a pair of children who have grown up, the future of the family of four is happy and bright. Fred was not so lucky, not only was his parents' situation not optimistic, but his newlywed wife was also haunted by sex night and night. For Homo, the disability brought by the war became a burden on the shoulders of his relatives and lovers, and in self-blame and remorse, he was sullen all the time. The appointed day soon arrived, and the three of them did not yet know that this time the reunion was about to change their fate.

The Yearling Deer Park Changchun

The Razor Edge razor edge

It's a Wonderful Life

Henry V Henry V

<h1>1948 20th </h1>

Gentleman's Agreement Gentleman's Agreement

In addition to the Douban high-scoring classic movie "Gone with the Wind" 11-20 Oscar Best Picture, which others 1939 11th 1940 12th 1941 1941 13th 1942 14th 1943 15th 1944 16th 1945 17th 1946 18th 1947 19th 19th 1948 20th

Douban: 6.7 IMDb: 7.4

Director: Ilya Kazan

Writers: Moss Hart / Ilya Kazan

Starring: Gregory Pike / Dorothy McGill / John Garfield / Silleister Home / Anne Revere

Genre: Drama / Romance

Synopsis: Philip (Gregory Peck) is a journalist who brings his son Tommy (Dean Stockwell) and mother (Anne Revere) to the metropolis of New York, where he is ready to do something big.

His superiors gave Philip a task to write a series of articles about the anti-Semitism that existed in the United States, and in order to better complete the task, Philip decided to pretend to be a Jew and experience the taste and situation of being a Jew. What Philip did not expect was that his move caused a crack in his relationship with his girlfriend Kathy (Dorothy McGuire), and the son was ostracized and bullied by his peers because of his father's false identity. After experiencing various setbacks and difficulties, Philip completed the task well, but his heart was not easy.

Miracle on 34th Street Fantasy Street

Great Expectations Lone Star Blood Tears


Wife of Bishop's Wife

How many of the above 10 Best Pictures have you seen? What's your favorite?


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Compiled and written by Philip Cho

EDIT: Flow

Image: Derived from the Douban movie

Source: Source Douban, Wikipedia

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