
Pursuing dreams is dangerous

author:Bodhi Flower of Evil
Pursuing dreams is dangerous
Pursuing dreams is dangerous

Disillusionment in the absurd

"Many ships have sunk and will never reach the Sea of Algae, but dreams will never go away. In some places, dreams afflict some unfortunate person, and one day, when the person has been tortured enough, the dream will be reproduced. ”

Since September, the sun is indulgent, the temperature difference is too large, sometimes late to sleep and sometimes tossing and turning, thinking that there is a rainy day, often after getting up in the middle of the night, staring at the table motionless cockroach in a daze, and then returning to the bed, dreaming of the trip to Lijiang many years ago, the vast side of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, has been hanging on a cold moon, and what I just saw on the balcony is no different.

Pursuing dreams is dangerous

Around 1931, Mr. Barkin wrote in Home that Mrs. Tall "felt for the first time disappointment, disillusionment, darkness. "For a long time, I have not encountered such warm and open-minded words as "Caprice", fortunately, I have read the "Torrent" trilogy deeply when I was young, and the writer's strong autobiographical color makes the reader's sense of immersion in it appear simple and natural, and cannot help himself. As for the depth of the insightful person's confession in ba lao's later years, the events at that time, the depth of meanness is far more than the shallow self-analysis, why is Mr. Ba Jin not in the world of thin feelings, living affectionately?

The writer will never be the savior, writing is mostly a distraction, not what noble sentiments make it, West's "Miss Lonely Fangxin" novel male protagonist, because of hosting the column of the same name "Miss Lonely Fangxin" to get this name, the male protagonist solved the empty loneliness of the eager readers, but in the same empty and lonely abyss is difficult to sustain, originally thought that reading for a long time, from the dark gap through the light will be a little more, but waiting for the still is frustrated and disappointed, although the library is incomparably silent, just like Conrad's "Dark Heart" It is full of the noisy noise of human nature, and the despair of religion.

Pursuing dreams is dangerous

People who are immersed in the American dream may prefer Fitzgerald's paper drunk fans to West, which is not an either-or choice, the choice often jumps to the dust in front of them, and many people can't wait to appear on the scene, can't wait to numb day after day, squandering the time that belongs to them and does not belong to them. Mediocrity continues to test the attitude of desire and money, I am frugal with every penny, and even after the epidemic, I rarely have the opportunity to go to the hotel to invite others, secretly take care of the few hair left, there is no mortgage car insurance, and I still inexplicably can't make ends meet.

The absurdity given by ordinary life is long and long, literature is indefatigable, the romance of poets is often unreliable, the rest of the moths put out fire, desire and vanity are out of tune, belonging to the young disillusioned Balzac's long "Disillusionment", which basically describes the literary "temple" and how it is used as a place for shameless transactions and becomes a filthy and dirty hell. The male protagonist Lucien was dissuaded by the missionaries and went to Spain. It can be said that Balzac is not as profound as Dostoevsky, everyone is an idealist, Toshi's "Brothers Karamazov" is close to the darkest and deepest and hidden limit of human nature, in extreme fear I think about the white expanse of "Dream of the Red Chamber", and "Siege" to hide back in life itself, so that we may not touch Toshi, Mr. Lu Xun said that the biggest common disease of young people is self-deception, so Cao Xueqin has no other way to lead Jia Baoyu to the white snow, Of course, the follow-up is not necessarily Mr. Cao's original intention.

Pursuing dreams is dangerous

Almost all of the endings have similar climaxes, the male protagonist of "Miss Lonely Fangxin" meets the female reader husband who is picking quarrels, this guy who does not lift suspects that the male protagonist uses the hosting of the emotional program to seduce his own woman, carrying a revolver and meeting the male protagonist in a narrow way, but the male protagonist enthusiastically embraces the indecisive guy on the other side, coincidentally touching the pistol by mistake, and after a gunshot, the two people roll down the stairs.

The ending is better than no ending, conscientiously stay in the same place, until the next door to the enterprise becomes a ruin, the cold fear of the lips and teeth invades over and over again, Hemingway in "For Whom the Death Knell Sounds" The protagonist is actually each of us, awakened by love, calmly to die, but this is just Hemingway's speculation, outside the novel, at the end he still raised his gun to himself who could not escape the usual encirclement, a hundred. Closing the book is the catastrophe, West's final work" "Locust Day", two of them, a comedian who has been unknown all his life, his cheeks have been too strong to stiffen, and he has long been unable to see his own emotions, and the other is a typical honest man, bored and numb, an old good man who has never been in love and can be bullied by everyone, when this day comes, nothing has changed, pursuing dreams is dangerous, only thirty-six-year-old writer West died in a car accident, and the readers of his novels are still clorrible.

Pursuing dreams is dangerous

Illustration: Chen Yongjin works