
If you want to distinguish between arthritis and gout, keep these 5 points in mind, or can help you distinguish, you need to understand

Arthritis and gout are relatively common diseases, and for some elderly people, they are susceptible to arthritis and gout.

When it comes to rainy days or sudden changes in the weather, some people will have joint pain, which seriously affects people's normal life.

With the development of society, people's life pressure continues to increase, some unhealthy living habits, so that some young people also have gout and arthritis, arthritis and gout is no longer the label of middle-aged and elderly people.

If you want to distinguish between arthritis and gout, keep these 5 points in mind, or can help you distinguish, you need to understand

We all know that the onset of gout and arthritis is at the joint, and the symptoms are also similar, so it is difficult for most people to distinguish between gout and arthritis.

There are many types of arthritis, and gout is one of them. Because the treatment of gout and arthritis is very different, how to distinguish between arthritis and gout has become the most concerned issue.

If you want to distinguish between arthritis and gout, keep these 5 points in mind, or can help you distinguish, you need to understand

So, how do you distinguish between arthritis and gout?

1. Distinguish from the onset population

Women from forty to sixty years old are at high risk of arthritis, because menopausal and women who have menopause, the body's immunity will slowly decline;

Middle-aged men are more susceptible to gout, especially obese men, so it is important to maintain their figure in middle age.

If you want to distinguish between arthritis and gout, keep these 5 points in mind, or can help you distinguish, you need to understand

2. Distinguish from the cause

The causes of arthritis are more complex, most arthritis patients, the body's immunity is relatively low, the body's metabolism is disordered.

Gout has a lot to do with hyperuricemia, which can cause hyperuricemia when there is a disorder in the body's purine metabolism.

If you want to distinguish between arthritis and gout, keep these 5 points in mind, or can help you distinguish, you need to understand

3. Distinguish from the complications that may be triggered

Although arthritis can cause diseases such as rheumatic vasculitis, pericarditis and pleurisy, kidney function is not affected, and gout can cause diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, kidney disease and kidney stones, which can lead to impaired kidney function.

Whether suffering from arthritis or gout, it must be treated in time, complications of arthritis and gout will threaten human life safety.

If you want to distinguish between arthritis and gout, keep these 5 points in mind, or can help you distinguish, you need to understand

4. Distinguish from the treatment method

Arthritis is not a difficult disease, it has a variety of treatments. According to the type and symptoms of arthritis, treatment methods can be divided into drug treatment, surgical treatment, bone marrow transplantation, etc.

The treatment of gout begins with hyperuricemia, which affects normal levels and excretion of uric acid. Patients with less severe gout can take some drugs that inhibit the formation of uric acid, and if gout is more severe, they can remove tophi with the help of a doctor.

If you want to distinguish between arthritis and gout, keep these 5 points in mind, or can help you distinguish, you need to understand

5. Distinguish from the prevention method

The prevention of arthritis starts with the environment around us. Avoid working or living in humid environments and avoid exposure to chemicals that cause low immunity.

Secondly, we must improve the diet structure, adjust the work and rest time, ensure that the body intake of sufficient nutrients, do not smoke, drink.

Finally, we must adhere to exercise, learn to regulate stress, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, and improve the body's immunity.

If you want to distinguish between arthritis and gout, keep these 5 points in mind, or can help you distinguish, you need to understand

In general, the method of distinguishing arthritis and gout mainly has the above five points. Gout and arthritis can affect our normal lives, so we must learn to prevent it.

To prevent arthritis, we must pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, do a good job of keeping warm, maintain a reasonable diet structure, and adhere to exercise; prevent gout, do not overeat, quit smoking and alcohol, eat lightly, do not eat spicy and stimulating food, drink more water, and eat less animal liver.

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