
Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

author:Zhuo Ge Entertainment

Fateful Night : Cup of Heaven: The Flower of Evil Omens is an animated film directed by Yutoku Sudo that was officially released in 2017. This time, the theatrical version is based on the HF line plot in "Fate" into an anime, which leads to countless Sakura chefs being extremely excited. Today, I would like to share with you my personal views and feelings about this movie.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >-type monthly kitchen carnival</h1>

Under normal circumstances, even if it is a theatrical version derived from an animated series, the director will take into account the feelings of passers-by and audiences when making it. After all, it is going to be shown in theaters... But "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omens" is different, and this animated film does not intend to consider the perception of passers-by fans.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

If you're a pure passer-by who doesn't know anything about Fate and walks into the screening hall with a friend, the look and feel experience needless to say how bad it is — going in with a confused face, coming out with a confused face. But if you are a type of moon cook, the harvest is not confusion but ecstasy!

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

All the plots related to other branches in the film are brushed over, or even cut directly, and the sharpness of their actions makes me wonder for a while before remembering that such a thing has indeed happened... This treatment not only saves a lot of time, but also drives the memories of fans.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

In terms of literary drama, there is no need for the editor to say anything more, the screenwriter is a nasu mushroom, what is there to worry about? But there is one detail that must be brought out separately and praised. Before entering the main story, the screenwriter gave the former Kirito Sakura a lot of portrayals, such as dull eyes, short hair that can be reached by his shoulders, and clumsiness that can't do anything.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

But after meeting Shiro Uemiya, we suddenly found that this young girl had undergone earth-shaking changes when she entered high school - the soft long hair poured down, and the owner looked particularly idyllic under the embellishment of the bow. Those big eyes are no longer empty, but full of hope, which is what a high school student should look like!

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

Although this change in Kirito Sakura makes everyone happy, everyone knows that the crew's intention in arranging this preparation is actually to highlight how miserable the fate that Sakura will face in the later stages. However, we are so stupid, knowing that we will have to feed the knife later, we will still feel that this scene is incomparably beautiful.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

As for the drama, do you know why every animation party expects the release of the theatrical version? Because the fight aspect is not a specification at all with the TV version! Every fight scene in "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flowers of Evil Omens" can be said to be burning funds without treating money as money, which is extremely enjoyable.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

What are the benefits of this high-quality fight? Quite simply, xiaobian took "Fate/kaleid liner Magical Girl ☆ Ilia: Oath under the Snow" to make a comparison.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

"Oath under the Snow" is to press the high-energy fight scene all on the final showdown between Shiro and Shimbo, which means that the previous long time has been paving the way for this fight. This kind of burning is burning, but it gives people a sense of hasty end.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

And every scene in "Fate night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omens" is the same high energy, giving people the feeling that the whole process is hi to the end.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > regret of deleting clips</h1>

Some friends may say that the plot connection of this theatrical version is not smooth enough, even if I have watched "Fate" I feel a little blunt. Xiaobian can only say that this is not to blame the crew, to blame the restrictions and rules introduced by the mainland theater, what you see in the theater is the deleted version...

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

Xiaobian calculated that the content was deleted for about a minute. Not much, but in my opinion it's all the essence... There should be some friends who like the aesthetics of violence, right? The abridged version introduced by the mainland just killed all these fragments of violent aesthetics.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

Like what Hassan slowly swallowed Lancer's heart, Wei Gong cut off C's mother's arm with a knife, and so on...

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

In addition, some welfare shots have been reduced, such as the spring dream that Shiro's classmates had. You think Rin is just riding on Shiro' body, you won't! People can guide Shiro to feel the beauty of Oupai, and as Shiro thinks about it, Rin instantly switches to Sakura.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

Here's a very precise detail, and that's how wide Shiro's palms are... After all, Sakura and Rin's chest circumference cannot be compared...

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > unfinished ending</h1>

Because the plot of the HF line is too long, the crew naturally can't tell it all in one movie, so "Fate Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omens" only tells about one-third of the plot.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

In order to avoid a sense of separation when watching, the crew specifically picked Saber to be blackened by the erosion of black mud after the battle, and Sakura waited in the snow for Shiro to return as the end of the plot. In this way, it successfully creates an atmosphere of "the big war is over", which also hints at the high-energy plot in the later works.

Why can "Fateful Night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen" be able to seal the gods? The regrettable ending of this carnival deletion clip of the battle for the type moon kitchen is still unfinished

What do you think of the friends of "Fate night - Cup of Heaven: Flower of Evil Omen"? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section. Tips: During the epidemic period, pay attention to protection. We will not see each other in the next period

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