
How to add footnotes to the paper, and adjust the number, position, and format of the footnotes

author:Dr. Katsukoshi Sekiyama said

How to add footnotes to the paper, and adjust the number, position, and format of the footnotes

In the writing of a thesis, if you want to argue a certain argument in detail, you need to expound and explain the classic theories and even representative views in previous research at home and abroad, so as to prove the source and proof mechanism of the article argument. Therefore, you need to add footnotes to the writing of the paper, and the literature is marked in the body of the paper. In general, adding footnotes to a paper goes through the following steps:

How to add footnotes to the paper, and adjust the number, position, and format of the footnotes

1. The paper is added to the footnote, first of all, you need to determine the location of the footnote, and determine the source of the literature

In the paper where the footnote is required, find out where the footnote is determined, place the mouse cursor here, and then select the "Citation" option of the document, you can see that there is a secondary option of "Insert Footnote". Click "Insert Footnote" with the mouse, and the upper right corner mark will appear on the position of the note, and the general original serial number is "1".

How to add footnotes to the paper, and adjust the number, position, and format of the footnotes

Correspondingly, a short horizontal line appears in the lower part of the document, and a serial number "1" also appears under the horizontal line.

2. In the location where the serial number appears, add the provenance of the document that has been determined

At this point, the provenance of the document that will be prepared can be copied directly to the serial number in the lower part of the document. It should be noted that the source of the document should be correct, and generally not only need to determine the author, document name, publishing house, publication date, document type and other contents in accordance with the relevant standards of the paper, but also need to mark the page number of the document clearly.

Of course, the text in the footnote at this time can be modified according to the normal document content, and the font and font size can be adjusted.

How to add footnotes to the paper, and adjust the number, position, and format of the footnotes

3. The overall ordinal number and layout of the footnote can be modified in the "Insert Footnote" drop-down option

If the ordinal, font, layout, and starting ordinal number of the footnote need to be adjusted, you can open the drop-down position in Insert Footnote, which is usually displayed by an arrow facing down to the right. It can be adjusted according to the corresponding standards.

How to add footnotes to the paper, and adjust the number, position, and format of the footnotes

In summary, the following steps need to be added to the paper:

1. The addition of the footnote of the paper needs to first determine the position of the cited and interpreted documents in the article, and then place the cursor in it, click "Citation" in the document, and select "Insert Footnote";

2. At this time, the serial number in the upper right corner of the body of the paper appears, and the same serial number appears in the lower part of the document, and the specific source of the document can be copied in the lower part of the document;

3. The footnote needs to be modified according to the requirements, click on the "Insert Footnote" drop-down page, you can change the position, layout, format, and starting number of the footnote.

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