
The harm of noise to pregnant mothers and fetal babies

In the first few months of pregnancy, pregnant mothers know to be careful to avoid unfavorable environments for the fetus. In fact, do you know that under the premise of normal genetic factors, environmental factors also play a very important role in the intellectual development of the fetal baby. As a kind of external environment, noise will have adverse effects on the nervous system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal function and mood of pregnant mothers and fetuses.

The harm of noise to pregnant mothers and fetal babies

Noise is harmful to pregnant mothers

Noise can affect the functioning of the central nervous system of pregnant mothers. If pregnant mothers are exposed to 50 to 80 decibels of noise for 2 to 4 hours a day, they will feel bored, nervous, increased breathing and heart rate, and increased cardiopulmonary burden; headaches, insomnia; impaired digestive function, decreased immunity, and susceptibility to viral or bacterial infectious diseases.

The harm of noise to the fetus

Noise contamination can lead to weight loss and congenital malformations in newborns.

The cochlea in the fetus is in the growth and development stage, which is very susceptible to noise damage, and a large amount of low-frequency noise can enter the uterus and be heard by the fetus, affecting the development of the cochlea. The inner ear of the fetus is affected by noise, which can affect the development of the brain.

Keep away from noise

The ideal acoustic intensity environment during pregnancy is 10 to 35 decibels. If necessary, the place of residence may be temporarily changed, such as avoiding the airport. On weekends, do not go to busy and crowded downtown areas, let alone to noisy entertainment venues such as dance halls.

Perfect Father-to-Be Bootcamp: Get up in the morning and play a "Forest Rhapsody" to wake up pregnant mothers and babies and let them start the day in the cheerful and simple sounds of nature.

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