
Ministry of Commerce: Sales of new energy vehicles reached 3.521 million units, and there was one for every 8 new cars sold

On January 25, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference to introduce the business operation in 2021. Xu Xingfeng, head of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, introduced that in 2021, the consumer market overcame the adverse effects of the epidemic, showed a steady recovery trend, showed strong vitality and resilience, and achieved a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan". The total amount of social zero for the whole year was 44.1 trillion yuan, an increase of 12.5% over 2020 and an average growth of 3.9% in two years.

Xu Xingfeng pointed out that from the perspective of the situation throughout the year, the characteristics and highlights are mainly reflected in four aspects.

First, the characteristics of innovation drive are obvious. Various new technologies and new concepts have penetrated widely in the field of consumption, new formats and models such as curatorial retail have iterated rapidly, new scenes of experiential, immersive and interactive consumption have emerged, and the integration of business travel culture and sports and online and offline has been accelerated. Online retail sales in 2021 will be 13 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.1% over the previous year.

Second, smart consumption is growing rapidly. The retail sales of communication equipment of units above designated size increased by 14.6% over the previous year. 5G mobile phone shipments were 266 million units, an increase of 63.5%, accounting for 76% of mobile phone shipments in the same period. The sales of smart products such as smart door locks, smart bathrooms, and sweeping robots on some e-commerce platforms increased by more than 30%.

Third, green consumption is booming. Taking automobiles as an example, the sales of new energy vehicles reached 3.521 million units, an increase of 1.6 times over the previous year, and one out of every 8 new cars sold was a new energy vehicle; the transaction volume of used cars reflected the circular economy, reaching 17.585 million units, an increase of 22.6%, and the ratio of used cars to new car sales reached 0.67 to 1.

Fourth, ice and snow consumption continues to heat up. The opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics is imminent, and various places have set off a boom in ice and snow consumption, and Beijing, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Hubei and other places have carried out rich and diverse ice and snow consumption activities under the premise of epidemic prevention and control. Some e-commerce platforms have more than doubled their sales of ski supplies.

Xu Xingfeng said that at the same time, we must also see that due to the impact of the epidemic and other factors, the recovery of some regions, some industries and some varieties is still relatively slow, and the operation of small and medium-sized micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households is still facing many difficulties, and it is necessary to further increase the intensity of work to maintain the stable development of consumption.

Red Star News reporter Yan Yucheng reported from Beijing

Edited by Xiang Caixia

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