
Pregnant women in Henan are reluctant to get out of bed because of the pain of normal labor, and the mother-in-law uses the "money ability" to immediately pull up

As the saying goes, having money can make ghosts grind. Not long ago, there was such an interesting thing in a women's hospital in Hebi, Hebei Province, a pregnant woman in the corridor of the hospital holding the railing slowly forward, and in front of her there was a woman with a large number of banknotes, every step the pregnant woman took, the woman took a few bills to her, just like this, the picture of walking and giving continued to the woman's hands The money was given to the pregnant woman, what is going on?

Pregnant women in Henan are reluctant to get out of bed because of the pain of normal labor, and the mother-in-law uses the "money ability" to immediately pull up

It is understood that the woman holding the banknote is the mother-in-law of the pregnant woman, because the pregnant woman feels pain after giving birth, has been lying in bed and does not want to come down, the husband has no way to help, the mother-in-law saw this scene, used her own trick, that is, the ability to pay money, and really responded to the sentence: there is money can make the ghost grind, so this scene on the photo occurred, can only say that it is good to have such a mother-in-law.

Pregnant women in Henan are reluctant to get out of bed because of the pain of normal labor, and the mother-in-law uses the "money ability" to immediately pull up

However, this matter has also triggered a hot discussion among netizens on the Internet, some netizens said: Sure enough, it is someone else's mother-in-law, after all, it is wrong to pay, and some netizens joked: Just like this, I can go to her bankruptcy, and some netizens have questioned: I think this is just a posing shot, sent to the Internet to win attention, in fact, there is such a thing, and the shooting picture is a bit deliberate.

Pregnant women in Henan are reluctant to get out of bed because of the pain of normal labor, and the mother-in-law uses the "money ability" to immediately pull up

Xiaobian believes that whether it is posing or not, the health and safety of pregnant women is the most important, perhaps the mother-in-law is the person who came over, so I think that after giving birth, it is necessary to walk more to help recover, so I came up with this countermeasure, but there is no need to post it on the Internet, but if it is really like other netizens said, in order to win attention and traffic, it is really disgusting. What do you think about that? Feel free to comment below,

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