
What is the Ascendant Sign? Determine a person's appearance, performance and values

Text/Star Xiaochen (Ascending Sign)

In personal astrological charts or horoscopes, we often see the word "ascending sign", and many of us may know what our ascending sign is, but the concept and impact on it are very vague. So, what exactly is the ascendant sign, and how do we understand it? What is the relationship between the ascending sign and what we usually call the sun sign? What is the status of the ascendant sign in a person's personality and horoscope analysis? Here's how to answer them.

What is the Ascendant Sign? Determine a person's appearance, performance and values

The concept of the ascending sign

The ascendant sign, also known as the Birth Sign, refers to the constellation where the Eastern Horizon is located when we are born. What we usually call the Sun sign refers to the constellation in which the Sun was born. Therefore, only if a person is born at the time of birth near the time of sunrise, and his sun is exactly near the horizon, then the sun sign of his birth may be the same as the rising sign, and the rising sign and the sun sign of people born at other times are definitely different. Therefore, if you want to judge a person's personality more accurately, you can't just look at one constellation, both the rising and the sun need to be taken into account.

From the above explanation, it can be seen that the ascendant sign is determined by your birth time and place of birth, and has nothing to do with the location of the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and so on. Although the ascending constellation has nothing to do with the position of the star, its importance cannot be ignored. In astrology, the ascending sign is the beginning of the first house, which determines the division of the twelfth house, and occupies an extremely important position in the analysis of individual astrological charts and horoscope predictions.

What is the Ascendant Sign? Determine a person's appearance, performance and values

What is the astrological meaning of the ascending sign? The ascendant sign represents our outward manifestation, the mask we carry in society. What we usually call the sun sign represents the original self, what kind of person I want to grow into, and what I expect from myself. The ascendant sign represents the way we interact with others, the way we are most comfortable.

For example: Sun Aries people, hope that they can be brave and fearless, when encountering things, they will think from a bold and direct point of view, they have a very brave side, but this side may not be seen by everyone; they may show gentleness and prudence, may be enthusiastic, this aspect is the jurisdiction of the ascendant sign. And if it is a rising Aries, basically have a very bold action, they do things neatly, may be a little careless, but will never grind and chirp, drag mud and water, their first impression is acute; and the way of thinking and inner personality that the ascending Aries has is a person,This part is affected by the sun sign and the moon sign.

What is the Ascendant Sign? Determine a person's appearance, performance and values

The influence of the ascending sign

As can be seen from the concept of the ascendant sign, it affects our outward appearance, the way we interact with people, and at the same time, it also affects our image appearance and values.

1 External manifestations.

The ascendant sign reveals how we behave in front of outsiders, and in which way we express ourselves most comfortable and comfortable. For example, most of the people who rise to Taurus are low-key and silent, and they often show that they are diligent and earnest strivers, elegant and noble silencers.

The way we interact with others, how we behave in interpersonal interactions, is also closely related to the ascending sign. For example, people who rise to Cancer are especially good at taking care of people, and when they get along with people, they are particularly careful and considerate, which makes people feel warm.

What is the Ascendant Sign? Determine a person's appearance, performance and values

2 Appearance.

The ascendant sign also affects our appearance and appearance. Because the ascendant sign is the beginning of the first house, the first house represents the body, image, and performance. Therefore, the ascendant sign will have a certain influence on our appearance. For example, rising Leo, most of them look more atmospheric, they are tall, well-defined, strong and strong limbs, bright and energetic eyes, speak clearly and loud, never promise.

What is the Ascendant Sign? Determine a person's appearance, performance and values

3 Values and attitudes towards life.

Personal values may be more influenced by the sun sign and the moon sign, because this part is directly related to our self and soul, but it can also be influenced by the rising sign. For example, most people who rise to Virgo like a clean and tidy living environment, and usually they will also handle their lives in an orderly manner, and cleanliness and impurity-free is their attitude to life; however, their souls may be domineering kings or innovative innovators, which are determined by their moon signs.

As we age, we have more and more contact with society, and when we enter society and slowly break away from our original families, the ascendant sign will occupy an increasingly important position in our lives. Especially when the ascendant is located in the more powerful constellations such as Scorpio and Leo, its characteristics will even dominate our outlook on life and values.

What is the Ascendant Sign? Determine a person's appearance, performance and values

The importance of the ascending sign

In a chart, the sun, ascending and moon signs are the three most important points, and they will determine a person's basic personality and are the tone of the entire astrolabe. Among the three of them, the ascending sign is more important. Because the ascendant sign represents a person's external expression and appearance image, it determines the basic outline of a person; and the guardian star of the ascendant sign is the life main star of the entire astrolabe, which occupies a very important position in the prediction of the flow year.

The ascending sign is the beginning of the first house, which determines the division of the celestial house of the entire astrolabe, and the twelfth house is the basis of the horoscope prediction. Therefore, the ascendant sign not only has a great influence on individual personality, but also plays a decisive role in horoscope prediction, and is a very important position in the astrological system.

What is the Ascendant Sign? Determine a person's appearance, performance and values

Of course, relying on the rising sign alone can not accurately judge a person's personality, a person's growth and personality, affected by many factors, his final performance of the way of doing things, means of processing, etc., will be affected by the sun, rising, moon signs. Therefore, if you want to understand a person more comprehensively, it is best to analyze it together with the sun sign, the rising sign and the moon sign.

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