
What is the impact of the once-in-a-century muhai conjunction on you?

On April 12, 2022, Muhai was conjunct in Pisces, which is also one of the key celestial signs in 2022;

Jupiter and Neptune are in the temple position in Pisces, will play a strong role in Jupiter's pursuit of freedom, expansion, and Neptune's pursuit of ideals, on the one hand, it will make us more empathetic, transposition thinking ability is stronger, it is easy to empathize with the suffering of others, encounter others have difficulties, will want to do their best to help, this time will also happen a lot of positive and warm things to help others;

On the other hand, it will also make it easy for us to escape difficulties, escape from reality, and also easy to be attracted by seemingly beautiful things, even without in-depth analysis, in the fog, just to pursue an uncertain and beautiful future, invest a lot of time and energy, and it is easy to fall into disappointment after the dream is shattered;

Moreover, at this stage, the energy of Pisces itself is relatively strong, coupled with the addition of help from the wooden sea, it will make many things eliminate the sense of boundary, unexpected situations, weakened action, and it is difficult to decide whether all kinds of news are true or false, etc., and we will have to accept that many seemingly "magical" things are real, accept some new policies and new programs that have not been considered or are relatively niche.

Let's take a look at how the twelve zodiac signs will affect each other:

(Ascendant constellation is dominant, supplemented by Sun constellation)

Rising or Sun for Aries

Muhai phase occurs in your secret palace, easy to be a little confused, careless, etc., to carefully take care of their belongings, to avoid losses caused by loss, if you are responsible for important affairs in your daily work, or keep important items, you should be more cautious;

It is also easy to see all kinds of news and information from friends around you and on the Internet, true or false, you can't listen to all of them, and you must believe in your own consideration and judgment when things happen.

Rising or Sun for Taurus

On the one hand, you can meet new friends, join new circles, bring new cooperation opportunities, close friends, and have a stronger sense of collectivity among team members, but also pay attention to the fact that it is easy to meet dishonest friends, or friends who just want to use you to achieve their goals, pay attention to discernment;

When speaking in the team or in public, you should also pay attention to words and deeds, and avoid encountering jealousy and obstacles from others because of strong ability or involving the interests and positions of others.

Ascending or Sun for Gemini

The occurrence of muhaihe in your career palace will make you pay more attention to the development direction of your future career, and also have the opportunity to get help and support from nobles and clarify the direction of development, but at the same time, you must also pay attention not to blindly trust others, do not blindly make choices, and consider more comprehensively and carefully.

Rising or Sun for Cancer

Muhaihe occurs in your migration palace, you will pay more attention to future development, planning, etc., consider participating in training, further training or business trips, but also have the opportunity to meet seniors with high professionalism and prestige in the industry, learn from each other at close range, exchange experiences, etc.;

At the same time, we must also pay attention to the fact that no matter how tempting the choice is, we must try to think rationally and carefully, strive to fight within the scope of our ability, and do not believe or expect the commitment of the other party too much, or spend a lot of money in order to pursue a better future.

Ascending or Sun for Leo

The combination of muhai and haihe occurs in your money house, which is conducive to quickly solving problems related to money, bills and debts, and also has the opportunity to increase revenue and expand more open source channels;

At the same time, it should also be noted that you are also prone to impulsive consumption, or spend lavishly, although you make more money, but it is easy to keep money, especially in investment.

Rising or Sun for Virgo

Muhaihe occurs in your emotional cooperation palace, in love you will want to further understand each other's ideas, plan the ideal future, but pay attention to the next, both parties will want to discuss more relaxed topics, avoid or want to postpone the processing of some complex or troublesome things, if you encounter important things to solve, communication should pay attention to ways and methods, but also try to avoid imposing their own ideas on each other, only will cause counter-effects;

Single you recent peach blossom luck is better, it is easy to get along romantic ambiguous atmosphere quickly heat up, quickly close the relationship, but also pay attention to, this time is easy to emotional impulses, there are other practical problems or contradictions between each other.

Rising or sun for Libra

On the bright side, it will make you more clear about the direction of future work development, especially for small partners engaged in art and creation-related industries, stronger inspiration, rapid creation of good works, and can also make unremitting efforts to achieve goals;

But at the same time, it is also easy to make you busy, or encounter unreliable, delayed, and wrong partners, affecting the original construction period, or the quality of completion;

During this time, it is also easy to sleep quality is not good, dream more, etc., but also slightly prone to edema, diet should pay more attention.

Rising or Sun for Scorpio

Muhaihe phase occurs in your love palace, your relationship in love is stable, you can put yourself in each other's shoes more, be more sensitive to each other's emotional changes, and be more gentle and considerate when communicating, so that your feelings are more intimate;

But also pay attention to the fact that you are easy to avoid important or practical problems in the relationship, because there is no good solution, simply choose to put aside and ignore it, so it is easy to make the other half think that you have dissatisfaction but do not say it, but it is easy to cause suspicion and deepen misunderstanding;

Rising or Sun for Sagittarius

The muhai phase occurs in your family palace, which will make you pay more attention to the latest situation, health, mood, etc. of your family, and you will also prefer to spend time at home and enjoy a comfortable and relaxing time;

Some people may encounter family members or relatives who need help, parents need to accompany, etc., occupying more of your time and energy, or want to improve the living environment, consider moving, buying and selling rental houses, decoration and other matters, in the contract or specific time, amount and other things must be carefully considered, carefully checked, to avoid mistakes.

Rising or sun for Capricorn

Muhai phase occurs in your communication and travel palace, interpersonal relationships get along more smoothly and happily, can empathize, find a good way to reciprocate and mutual benefit, many views and ideas are in agreement, very conducive to establishing new cooperation, or communication related matters;

At the same time, you should also pay attention to the easy encounter that the other party is too dependent on you, or use unfavorable factors to take advantage of the opportunity to ask for too much, so that you feel that you encounter unfair treatment, or have to sacrifice your own interests to cater to the other party, which is slightly annoying.

Rising or sun for Aquarius

The muhai conjunction occurs in your treasury palace and will bring good news related to money, such as being able to easily get rich, expand open source channels, get help from nobles, harvest unexpected red envelopes or cash, and solve existing financial difficulties or troubles;

But at the same time, it should be noted that it is easy to consume desire to increase, impulsive consumption, being attracted by advertising to induce consumption, or spending money in a big way, etc. If the original financial pressure is more tense, or need to save money, we must pay attention to whether it is really needed before paying each payment.

Ascending or Sun for Pisces

Muhai conjunction occurs in your constellation, will make you more want to strive to achieve the goal, will be more likely to sympathize with others, because of some social news and sad, but also because of the inability to help and have a sense of powerlessness, at this time or pay attention to emotional management, do not be too immersed in negative emotions, timely remind yourself to pay more attention to other directions, or take action, reduce emotional impact;

At the same time, for Pisces who have recently felt a little stressed and have a sluggish fortune, this combination can bring you some warm opportunities, heal your heart, and be more hopeful and confident in life.


What is the impact of the once-in-a-century muhai conjunction on you?

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